
Nadia Shalaby

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9EENadia Shalaby, John Zinky: A case for Predictive DiffServ on mobile networks. WOWMOM 2008: 1-7
8EENadia Shalaby, Yitzchak Gottlieb, Mike Wawrzoniak, Larry L. Peterson: Snow on silk: Layering NodeOS functionality on conventional operating systems. Computer Networks 50(14): 2426-2443 (2006)
7EENadia Shalaby, Andy C. Bavier, Yitzchak Gottlieb, Scott Karlin, Larry L. Peterson, Xiaohu Qie, Tammo Spalink, Mike Wawrzoniak: Building extensible routers using network processors. Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(12): 1155-1194 (2005)
6EENadia Shalaby, Larry L. Peterson, Andy C. Bavier, Yitzchak Gottlieb, Scott Karlin, Akihiro Nakao, Xiaohu Qie, Tammo Spalink, Mike Wawrzoniak: Extensible Routers for Active Networks. DANCE 2002: 92-116
5EENadia Shalaby, Yitzchak Gottlieb, Mike Wawrzoniak, Larry L. Peterson: Snow on Silk: A NodeOS in the Linux Kernel. IWAN 2002: 1-19
4EEY. Charlie Hu, Guohua Jin, S. Lennart Johnsson, Dimitris Kehagias, Nadia Shalaby: HPFBench: a high performance Fortran benchmark suite. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 26(1): 99-149 (2000)
3EEY. Charlie Hu, S. Lennart Johnsson, Dimitris Kehagias, Nadia Shalaby: DPF: A Data Parallel Fortran Benchmark Suite. IPPS 1997: 219-226
2 Nadia Shalaby: Efficient Parallel FFTs for Different Computational Models. PPSC 1997
1 Nadia Shalaby, S. Lennart Johnsson: Hierarchical Load Balancing for Parallel Fast Legendre Transforms. PPSC 1997

Coauthor Index

1Andy C. Bavier [6] [7]
2Yitzchak Gottlieb [5] [6] [7] [8]
3Y. Charlie Hu [3] [4]
4Guohua Jin [4]
5S. Lennart Johnsson [1] [3] [4]
6Scott Karlin [6] [7]
7Dimitris Kehagias [3] [4]
8Akihiro Nakao [6]
9Larry L. Peterson [5] [6] [7] [8]
10Xiaohu Qie [6] [7]
11Tammo Spalink [6] [7]
12Mike Wawrzoniak [5] [6] [7] [8]
13John Zinky [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)