
Leslie D. Setlock

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11EEHao-Chuan Wang, Susan R. Fussell, Leslie D. Setlock: Cultural difference and adaptation of communication styles in computer-mediated group brainstorming. CHI 2009: 669-678
10EESusan R. Fussell, Sara B. Kiesler, Leslie D. Setlock, Victoria Yew: How people anthropomorphize robots. HRI 2008: 145-152
9EELeslie D. Setlock, Pablo-Alejandro Quinones, Susan R. Fussell: Does Culture Interact with Media Richness? The Effects of Audio vs. Video Conferencing on Chinese and American Dyads. HICSS 2007: 13
8EEShipra Kayan, Susan R. Fussell, Leslie D. Setlock: Cultural differences in the use of instant messaging in Asia and North America. CSCW 2006: 525-528
7EESusan R. Fussell, Sara B. Kiesler, Leslie D. Setlock, Peter Scupelli: Effects of instant messaging on the management of multiple project trajectories. CHI 2004: 191-198
6EEAdam D. I. Kramer, Susan R. Fussell, Leslie D. Setlock: Text analysis as a tool for analyzing conversation in online support groups. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1485-1488
5EELeslie D. Setlock, Susan R. Fussell, Christine Neuwirth: Taking it out of context: collaborating within and across cultures in face-to-face settings and via instant messaging. CSCW 2004: 604-613
4EESusan R. Fussell, Leslie D. Setlock, Robert E. Kraut: Effects of head-mounted and scene-oriented video systems on remote collaboration on physical tasks. CHI 2003: 513-520
3EESusan R. Fussell, Leslie D. Setlock, Elizabeth M. Parker: Where do helpers look?: gaze targets during collaborative physical tasks. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 768-769
2EESusan R. Fussell, Leslie D. Setlock, Elizabeth M. Parker, Jie Yang: Assessing the value of a cursor pointing device for remote collaboration on physical tasks. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 788-789
1EEJiazhi Ou, Susan R. Fussell, Xilin Chen, Leslie D. Setlock, Jie Yang: Gestural communication over video stream: supporting multimodal interaction for remote collaborative physical tasks. ICMI 2003: 242-249

Coauthor Index

1Xilin Chen [1]
2Susan R. Fussell [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Shipra Kayan [8]
4Sara B. Kiesler [7] [10]
5Adam D. I. Kramer [6]
6Robert E. Kraut [4]
7Christine Neuwirth [5]
8Jiazhi Ou [1]
9Elizabeth M. Parker [2] [3]
10Pablo-Alejandro Quinones [9]
11Peter Scupelli [7]
12Hao-Chuan Wang [11]
13Jie Yang [1] [2]
14Victoria Yew [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)