
Vijay Sethi

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5 Harminder Singh, Vijay Sethi, Vikram Sethi: Changing Inside, Watching Outside: Understanding Business Model Adaptations to Gide Information Technology Decisions. ICIS 2005
4EEC. Ranganathan, Vijay Sethi: Assessing the impact of decision process on effectiveness of strategic IT decisions: a triangulation approach. ICIS 2000: 455-456
3EEC. Ranganathan, Vijay Sethi: External IT environment: dimensionality and measurement. ICIS 2000: 594-600
2EEJames T. C. Teng, Vijay Sethi: A Comparison of Information Requirements Analysis Methods: An Experimental Study. DATA BASE 20(4): 27-39 (1990)
1EEVijay Sethi: Developing a Tool for Measuring the Competitive Advantage from Information Technology. DATA BASE 18(3): 57 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1C. Ranganathan (Chandrasekaran Ranganathan) [3] [4]
2Vikram Sethi [5]
3Harminder Singh [5]
4James T. C. Teng [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)