
Mara Servilio

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3 Andrea Abrardo, Paolo Detti, Gaia Nicosia, Andrea Pacifici, Mara Servilio: Cellular radio resource allocation problem. CTW 2008: 39-42
2EEAndrea Abrardo, Paolo Detti, Gaia Nicosia, Andrea Pacifici, Mara Servilio: Optimum Channel Allocation in OFDMA Multi-cell Systems. NET-COOP 2008: 103-111
1EEClaudio Arbib, Stefano Smriglio, Mara Servilio: A competitive scheduling problem and its relevance to UMTS channel assignment. Networks 44(2): 132-141 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Andrea Abrardo [2] [3]
2Claudio Arbib [1]
3Paolo Detti [2] [3]
4Gaia Nicosia [2] [3]
5Andrea Pacifici [2] [3]
6Stefano Smriglio [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)