
Leslie D. Servi

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9EEDaryl J. Daley, Leslie D. Servi: Loss probabilities of hand-in traffic under various protocols: II. Model comparisons. Perform. Eval. 55(3-4): 231-249 (2004)
8EEJoseph A. Cooley, Jeremy L. Mineweaser, Leslie D. Servi, Eushiuan T. Tsung: Software-Based Erasure Codes for Scalable Distributed Storage. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 2003: 157-164
7 Leslie D. Servi, Steven G. Finn: M/M/1 queues with working vacations (M/M/1/WV). Perform. Eval. 50(1): 41-52 (2002)
6 Daryl J. Daley, Leslie D. Servi: Loss Probabilities of Hand-in Traffic under Various Protocols, I: Models and Algebraic Results. Telecommunication Systems 19(2): 209-226 (2002)
5 Leslie D. Servi: Algorithmic Solutions to Two-Dimensional Birth-Death Processes with Application to Capacity Planning. Telecommunication Systems 21(2): 205-212 (2002)
4EEDaryl J. Daley, Leslie D. Servi: Estimating Waiting Times from Transactional Data. INFORMS Journal on Computing 9(2): 224-229 (1997)
3EEJulian Keilson, Leslie D. Servi: The M/G/1/K blocking formula and its generalizations to state-dependent vacation systems and priority systems. Queueing Syst. 14(1-2): 111-123 (1993)
2 Julian Keilson, Leslie D. Servi: The Preempt-Resume M/G/1 Queue with Feedback and Clocked Schedules. Perform. Eval. 9(3): 191-208 (1989)
1 Leslie D. Servi, David D. Yao: Stochastic Bounds for Queueing Systems with Limited Service Schedules. Perform. Eval. 9(4): 247-261 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Joseph A. Cooley [8]
2Daryl J. Daley [4] [6] [9]
3Steven G. Finn [7]
4Julian Keilson [2] [3]
5Jeremy L. Mineweaser [8]
6Eushiuan T. Tsung [8]
7David D. Yao [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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