
Chi-Young Seong

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4EEByoung-Doo Kang, Jae Won Lee, Jong-Ho Kim, O-Hwa Kwon, Chi-Young Seong, Se-Myung Park, Sang-Kyoon Kim: A Mutated Intrusion Detection System Using Principal Component Analysis and Time Delay Neural Network. ISNN (2) 2006: 246-254
3EEJong-Ho Kim, Jae Won Lee, Byoung-Doo Kang, O-Hwa Kwon, Chi-Young Seong, Sang-Kyoon Kim, Se-Myung Park: Hierarchical Classification of Object Images Using Neural Networks. ISNN (2) 2006: 322-330
2EEChi-Young Seong, Byung-Du Kang, Jong-Ho Kim, Sang-Kyun Kim: Effective Detector and Kalman Filter Based Robust Face Tracking System. PSIVT 2006: 453-462
1EEByung-Du Kang, Jong-Ho Kim, Chi-Young Seong, Sang-Kyun Kim: Effective Face Detection Using a Small Quantity of Training Data. PSIVT 2006: 553-562

Coauthor Index

1Byoung-Doo Kang [3] [4]
2Byung-Du Kang [1] [2]
3Jong-Ho Kim [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Sang-Kyoon Kim [3] [4]
5Sang-Kyun Kim [1] [2]
6O-Hwa Kwon [3] [4]
7Jae Won Lee [3] [4]
8Se-Myung Park [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)