
Euiseong Seo

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10EEEuiseong Seo, Jinkyu Jeong, Seon-Yeong Park, Jinsoo Kim, Joonwon Lee: Catching two rabbits: adaptive real-time support for embedded Linux. Softw., Pract. Exper. 39(5): 531-550 (2009)
9EEDongsung Kim, Hwanju Kim, Myeongjae Jeon, Euiseong Seo, Joonwon Lee: Guest-Aware Priority-Based Virtual Machine Scheduling for Highly Consolidated Server. Euro-Par 2008: 285-294
8EEEuiseong Seo, Seon-Yeong Park, Bhuvan Urgaonkar: Empirical Analysis on Energy Efficiency of Flash-based SSDs. HotPower 2008
7EEEuiseong Seo, Jinkyu Jeong, Seon-Yeong Park, Joonwon Lee: Energy Efficient Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks on Multicore Processors. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(11): 1540-1552 (2008)
6EEEuiseong Seo, Seungryoul Maeng, Donghyouk Lim, Joonwon Lee: Exploiting Temporal Locality for Energy Efficient Memory Management. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers 17(5): 929-941 (2008)
5EEEuiseong Seo, Seon-Yeong Park, Jinsoo Kim, Joonwon Lee: TSB: A DVS algorithm with quick response for general purpose operating systems. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 54(1-2): 1-14 (2008)
4EEMyeongjae Jeon, Euiseong Seo, Junghyun Kim, Joonwon Lee: Domain Level Page Sharing in Xen Virtual Machine Systems. APPT 2007: 590-599
3EEJinkyu Jeong, Euiseong Seo, Dongsung Kim, Jinsoo Kim, Joonwon Lee, Yung-Joon Jung, Donghwan Kim, Kanghee Kim: Transparent and Selective Real-Time Interrupt Services for Performance Improvement. SEUS 2007: 283-292
2EEMin Lee, Euiseong Seo, Joonwon Lee, Jinsoo Kim: PABC: Power-Aware Buffer Cache Management for Low Power Consumption. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(4): 488-501 (2007)
1EEEuiseong Seo, Yongbon Koo, Joonwon Lee: Dynamic Repartitioning of Real-Time Schedule on a Multicore Processor for Energy Efficiency. EUC 2006: 69-78

Coauthor Index

1Myeongjae Jeon [4] [9]
2Jinkyu Jeong [3] [7] [10]
3Yung-Joon Jung [3]
4Donghwan Kim [3]
5Dongsung Kim [3] [9]
6Hwanju Kim [9]
7Jinsoo Kim [2] [3] [5] [10]
8Junghyun Kim [4]
9Kanghee Kim [3]
10Yongbon Koo [1]
11Joonwon Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10]
12Min Lee [2]
13Donghyouk Lim [6]
14Seung Ryoul Maeng (Seungryoul Maeng, Seungryul R. Maeng) [6]
15Seon-Yeong Park [5] [7] [8] [10]
16Bhuvan Urgaonkar [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)