
Alain Senteni

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4 Noël Conruyt, Y. Geynet, David Grosser, Alain Senteni, M. Santally, S. Sonah: The IKBS-DARWIN Research and Learning System for Sharing Biodiversity Knowledge of Tropical Islands. ICCE 2002: 760-764
3 Michel Aubé, Alain Senteni: Emotions as Commitments Operators: A Foundation for Control Structure in Multi-Agents Systems. MAAMAW 1996: 13-25
2 Sylvain Giroux, Alain Senteni, Guy Lapalme: Adaption in Open Systems: Reflection as a Backbone. CoopIS 1993: 114-123
1 Aude Dufresne, Nicolas Jolin, Alain Senteni: Hypertext Documents for the Learning of Procedures. UK Hypertext 1989: 96-104

Coauthor Index

1Michel Aubé [3]
2Noël Conruyt [4]
3Aude Dufresne [1]
4Y. Geynet [4]
5Sylvain Giroux [2]
6David Grosser [4]
7Nicolas Jolin [1]
8Guy Lapalme [2]
9M. Santally [4]
10S. Sonah [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)