
Hermes Senger

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10EEFabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva, Hermes Senger: Improving scalability of Bag-of-Tasks applications running on master-slave platforms. Parallel Computing 35(2): 57-71 (2009)
9EEHermes Senger, Eduardo R. Hruschka, Fabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva, Liria Matsumoto Sato, Calebe De Paula Bianchini, Bruno F. Jerosch: Exploiting idle cycles to execute data mining applications on clusters of PCs. Journal of Systems and Software 80(5): 778-790 (2007)
8EEMarta C. Rosatelli, Hermes Senger, Fabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva, Silvio L. Stanzani, Cesar Nunes: Supporting the Collaborative Construction of Learning Objects Using the Grid. CCGRID 2006: 257-260
7EEHermes Senger, Fabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva, Waneron M. Nascimento: Hierarchical Scheduling of Independent Tasks with Shared Files. CCGRID 2006: 51
6EEFábio A. P. Reis, Igor C. Félix, Silvio L. Stanzani, Ricardo J. G. B. Campello, Leandro Nunes de Castro, Hermes Senger, Marta C. Rosatelli: A Learning Object on Computational Intelligence. ICALT 2006: 33
5EEHermes Senger, Fabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva, Manuel de Jesus Mendes, R. Rondini, Cléver Ricardo Guareis de Farias: Grid Platforms for e-Democracy Applications. ISCC 2006: 334-339
4EEFabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva, Sílvia Carvalho, Hermes Senger, Eduardo R. Hruschka, Cléver Ricardo Guareis de Farias: Running Data Mining Applications on the Grid: A Bag-of-Tasks Approach. ICCSA (2) 2004: 168-177
3EEHermes Senger, Eduardo R. Hruschka, Fabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva, Liria Matsumoto Sato, Calebe De Paula Bianchini, Marcelo D. Esperidiãao: Inhambu: Data Mining Using Idle Cycles in Clusters of PCs. NPC 2004: 213-220
2EEHermes Senger, Liria Matsumoto Sato: Load Distribution for Heterogeneous and Non-Dedicated Clusters Based on Dynamic Monitoring and Differentiated Services. CLUSTER 2003: 199-206
1 Fabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva, Hermes Senger: The Grid: An Enabling Infrastructure for Future E-Business, E-Commerce and E-Government Applications. I3E 2003: 253-265

Coauthor Index

1Calebe De Paula Bianchini [3] [9]
2Ricardo J. G. B. Campello (Ricardo José Gabrielli Barreto Campello) [6]
3Sílvia Carvalho [4]
4Leandro Nunes de Castro [6]
5Marcelo D. Esperidiãao [3]
6Cléver Ricardo Guareis de Farias [4] [5]
7Igor C. Félix [6]
8Eduardo R. Hruschka [3] [4] [9]
9Bruno F. Jerosch [9]
10Manuel de Jesus Mendes [5]
11Waneron M. Nascimento [7]
12Cesar Nunes [8]
13Fábio A. P. Reis [6]
14R. Rondini [5]
15Marta Costa Rosatelli (Marta C. Rosatelli) [6] [8]
16Liria Matsumoto Sato [2] [3] [9]
17Fabrício Alves Barbosa da Silva [1] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
18Silvio L. Stanzani [6] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)