
Aline Senart

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7EESerena Fritsch, Aline Senart, Douglas C. Schmidt, Siobhán Clarke: Time-bounded adaptation for automotive system software. ICSE 2008: 571-580
6EEAline Senart, Mélanie Bouroche, Vinny Cahill: Modelling an emergency vehicle early-warning system using real-time feedback. IJIIDS 2(2): 222-239 (2008)
5EEVinny Reynolds, Vinny Cahill, Aline Senart: Requirements for an ubiquitous computing simulation and emulation environment. InterSense 2006: 1
4EEAline Senart, Raymond Cunningham, Mélanie Bouroche, Neil O'Connor, Vinny Reynolds, Vinny Cahill: MoCoA: Customisable Middleware for Context-Aware Mobile Applications. OTM Conferences (2) 2006: 1722-1738
3EEMarcin Karpinski, Aline Senart, Vinny Cahill: Sensor Networks For Smart Roads. PerCom Workshops 2006: 306-310
2EEAs'ad Salkham, Raymond Cunningham, Aline Senart, Vinny Cahill: A Taxonomy of Collaborative Context-Aware Systems. UMICS 2006
1EEMichel Riveill, Aline Senart: Aspects dynamiques des langages de description d'architecture logicielle. L'OBJET 8(3): 109-129 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Mélanie Bouroche [4] [6]
2Vinny Cahill [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Siobhán Clarke [7]
4Raymond Cunningham [2] [4]
5Serena Fritsch [7]
6Marcin Karpinski [3]
7Neil O'Connor [4]
8Vinny Reynolds [4] [5]
9Michel Riveill [1]
10As'ad Salkham [2]
11Douglas C. Schmidt [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)