
George Semeczko

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10EEGeorge Semeczko: Applying the Power of Patterns to the Web. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 7(1): (2006)
9EEGeorge Semeczko: Advanced E-Business (A review of E-Business Applications: Technologies for Tomorrow's Solutions, Jorge Gaso's and Klaus-Dieter Thoben, eds.). IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(11): (2003)
8EEGeorge Semeczko: A J2EE Reference for Your Library (A review of J2EE: The Complete Reference by Jim Keogh). IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(3): (2003)
7EEGeorge Semeczko: Unleashing the Power of JSP. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(8): (2003)
6EEGeorge Semeczko: Book Review: Securing XML (A review of XML Security by Blake Dournaee). IEEE Distributed Systems Online 3(10): (2002)
5EEGeorge Semeczko: Book Review: An Introduction to Web Technologies (A review of Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program, 2nd edition). IEEE Distributed Systems Online 3(4): (2002)
4EEGeorge Semeczko: Book Review: Tips on Building Web Pages (A review of HTML & Web Design: Tips & Techniques by Kris Jamsa, Konrad King, and Andy Anderson). IEEE Distributed Systems Online 3(7): (2002)
3EEGeorge Semeczko, Stanley Y. W. Su, Tsae-Feng Yu, Fang Wang: Supporting Distributed Query Processing in a Heterogeneous Environment. DASFAA 1997: 107-116
2EEGeorge Semeczko, Stanley Y. W. Su: Supporting Object Migration in Distributed Systems. DASFAA 1997: 59-66
1 George Semeczko: Replicated Fragment Allocation Using a Clustering Methodology. Australian Database Conference 1993: 210-227

Coauthor Index

1Stanley Y. W. Su [2] [3]
2Fang Wang [3]
3Tsae-Feng Yu [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)