
Kazuyuki Sekitani

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7EEToshiyuki Sueyoshi, Kazuyuki Sekitani: DEA congestion and returns to scale under an occurrence of multiple optimal projections. European Journal of Operational Research 194(2): 592-607 (2009)
6EEToshiyuki Sueyoshi, Kazuyuki Sekitani: An occurrence of multiple projections in DEA-based measurement of technical efficiency: Theoretical comparison among DEA models from desirable properties. European Journal of Operational Research 196(2): 764-794 (2009)
5EEToshiyuki Sueyoshi, Kazuyuki Sekitani: Measurement of returns to scale using a non-radial DEA model: A range-adjusted measure approach. European Journal of Operational Research 176(3): 1918-1946 (2007)
4EEToshiyuki Sueyoshi, Kazuyuki Sekitani: Computational strategy for Russell measure in DEA: Second-order cone programming. European Journal of Operational Research 180(1): 459-471 (2007)
3EEToshiyuki Sueyoshi, Kazuyuki Sekitani: The measurement of returns to scale under a simultaneous occurrence of multiple solutions in a reference set and a supporting hyperplane. European Journal of Operational Research 181(2): 549-570 (2007)
2EEToshiyuki Sueyoshi, Kazuyuki Sekitani: Returns to scale in dynamic DEA. European Journal of Operational Research 161(2): 536-544 (2005)
1 Kazuyuki Sekitani, Yoshitsugu Yamamoto: A recursive algorithm for finding the minimum norm point in a polytope and a pair of closest points in two polytopes. Math. Program. 61: 233-249 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Toshiyuki Sueyoshi [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Yoshitsugu Yamamoto [1]

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