
Remzi Seker

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9 Jiang Bian, Remzi Seker, Umit Topaloglu, Coskun Bayrak: Off-the-Record Secure Chat Room. WEBIST (1) 2008: 54-61
8EESrinivasan Ramaswamy, Remzi Seker, S. Sudarsan, Mhamed Itmi, Adnane Cabani, Waled Alshabi: Modelling and simulation: The basis for education enrichment and software design. Enterprise IS 2(2): 177-199 (2008)
7EEJiang Bian, Remzi Seker, Umit Topaloglu: Off-the-Record Instant Messaging for Group Conversation. IRI 2007: 79-84
6EEHemant Joshi, Remzi Seker, Coskun Bayrak, Srini Ramaswamy, Jeffrey B. Connelly: Ontology for disaster mitigation and planning. SCSC 2007: 26
5 Nitin Kanaskar, Remzi Seker, Srinivasan Ramaswamy: A Dynamical System Approach to Intrusion Detection Using System Call Analysis. SEKE 2007: 710-717
4EERattikorn Hewett, Remzi Seker: A Risk Assessment Model of Embedded Software Systems. SEW 2005: 142-149
3EELeon Jololian, Jean-Claude Ngatchou, Remzi Seker: A component integration meta-framework using smart adapters. ISICT 2004: 128-133
2EEC. V. Ramamoorthy, Remzi Seker: Infrastructures for Information Technology Systems: Perspectives on Their Evolution and Impact. SERA 2004: 214-228
1 Remzi Seker, Sokol Saliu, Ahmet Birand, G. Kudaiberdieva: Validity Test for a Set of Nonlinear Measures for Short Data Length with Reference to Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Signal. Journal of Systems Integration 10(1): 41-53 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Waled Alshabi [8]
2Coskun Bayrak [6] [9]
3Jiang Bian [7] [9]
4Ahmet Birand [1]
5Adnane Cabani [8]
6Jeffrey B. Connelly [6]
7Rattikorn Hewett [4]
8Mhamed Itmi [8]
9Leon Jololian [3]
10Hemant Joshi [6]
11Nitin Kanaskar [5]
12G. Kudaiberdieva [1]
13Jean-Claude Ngatchou [3]
14C. V. Ramamoorthy [2]
15Srini Ramaswamy [6]
16Srinivasan Ramaswamy [5] [8]
17Sokol Saliu [1]
18S. Sudarsan [8]
19Umit Topaloglu [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)