
Sergio Segura

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10EESergio Segura, Antonio Ruiz Cortés: Benchmarking on the Automated Analyses of Feature Models: A Preliminary Roadmap. VaMoS 2009: 137-143
9EEPablo Trinidad, David Benavides, Antonio Ruiz Cortés, Sergio Segura, Alberto Jimenez: FAMA Framework. SPLC 2008: 359
8 Sergio Segura, David Benavides, Antonio Ruiz Cortés: Functional Testing of Feature Model Analysis Tools. A First Step. SPLC (2) 2008: 179
7 Sergio Segura: Automated Analysis of Feature Models Using Atomic Sets. SPLC (2) 2008: 201-207
6 Fabricia Roos-Frantz, Sergio Segura: Automated Analysis of Orthogonal Variability Models. A First Step. SPLC (2) 2008: 243-248
5 Pablo Trinidad, Antonio Ruiz Cortés, David Benavides, Sergio Segura: Three-Dimensional Feature Diagrams Visualization. SPLC (2) 2008: 295-302
4EESergio Segura, David Benavides, Antonio Ruiz Cortés, Pablo Trinidad: Automated Merging of Feature Models Using Graph Transformations. GTTSE 2007: 489-505
3EEDavid Benavides, Sergio Segura, Pablo Trinidad, Antonio Ruiz Cortés: FAMA: Tooling a Framework for the Automated Analysis of Feature Models. VaMoS 2007: 129-134
2EEDavid Benavides, Sergio Segura, Pablo Trinidad Martín-Arroyo, Antonio Ruiz Cortés: Using Java CSP Solvers in the Automated Analyses of Feature Models. GTTSE 2006: 399-408
1 David Benavides, Antonio Ruiz Cortés, Pablo Trinidad, Sergio Segura: A Survey on the Automated Analyses of Feature Models. JISBD 2006: 367-376

Coauthor Index

1David Benavides (David Felipe Benavides Cuevas) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]
2Antonio Ruiz Cortés [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10]
3Alberto Jimenez [9]
4Pablo Trinidad Martín-Arroyo [2]
5Fabricia Roos-Frantz [6]
6Pablo Trinidad [1] [3] [4] [5] [9]

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