
Aviv Segev

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6EEAviv Segev: Circular context-based semantic matching to identify web service composition. CSSSIA 2008: 7
5EEAviv Segev, Moshe Leshno, Moshe Zviran: Internet as a knowledge base for medical diagnostic assistance. Expert Syst. Appl. 33(1): 251-255 (2007)
4EEAviv Segev, Avigdor Gal: Putting Things in Context: A Topological Approach to Mapping Contexts to Ontologies. J. Data Semantics 9: 113-140 (2007)
3EEAviv Segev, Moshe Leshno, Moshe Zviran: Context recognition using internet as a knowledge base. J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 29(3): 305-327 (2007)
2EEAvigdor Gal, Aviv Segev, Christos Tatsiopoulos, Kostas Sidiropoulos, Pantelis Georgiades: Agent Oriented Data Integration. ER (Workshops) 2005: 98-108
1EEAviv Segev: Identifying the Multiple Contexts of a Situation. MRC 2005: 118-133

Coauthor Index

1Avigdor Gal [2] [4]
2Pantelis Georgiades [2]
3Moshe Leshno [3] [5]
4Kostas Sidiropoulos [2]
5Christos Tatsiopoulos [2]
6Moshe Zviran [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)