
Gunnar Seemann

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13EESanjay Kharche, Gunnar Seemann, Lee Margetts, Joanna Leng, Arun V. Holden, Henggui Zhang: Simulation of clinical electrophysiology in 3D human atria: a high-performance computing and high-performance visualization application. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(11): 1317-1328 (2008)
12 Frank B. Sachse, Gunnar Seemann: Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, 4th International Conference, FIMH 2007, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, June 7-9, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
11EESanjay Kharche, Gunnar Seemann, Joanna Leng, Arun V. Holden, Clifford J. Garratt, Henggui Zhang: Scroll Waves in 3D Virtual Human Atria: A Computational Study. FIMH 2007: 129-138
10 Olaf Dössel, Dima Farina, Matthias B. Mohr, Matthias Reumann, Gunnar Seemann, Daniel L. Weiß: Computer-assisted Planning of Cardiac Interventions and Heart Surgery. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2006: 499-506
9EEGunnar Seemann, Daniel L. Weiß, Frank B. Sachse, Olaf Dössel: Electrophysiology and Tension Development in a Transmural Heterogeneous Model of the Visible Female Left Ventricle. FIMH 2005: 172-182
8EEFrank B. Sachse, Gunnar Seemann, Bruno Taccardi: Insights into Electrophysiological Studies with Papillary Muscle by Computational Models. FIMH 2005: 216-225
7 Matthias Reumann, G. Reinerth, Gunnar Seemann, Christian-Friedrich Vahl, Siegfried Hagl, Olaf Dössel: Computer-assisted electrode positioning in biventricular pacing. CARS 2004: 1102-1107
6 G. Reinerth, Matthias Reumann, Gunnar Seemann, Nalan Kayhan, Jörg Albers, Olaf Dössel, Siegfried Hagl, Christian-Friedrich Vahl: Three-dimensional electrophysiological and morphological computer models for individualisation of antiarrhythmic cardiac surgery. CARS 2004: 813-818
5EEFrank B. Sachse, K. G. Glänzel, Gunnar Seemann: Modeling of Electro-Mechanical Coupling in Cardiac Myocytes: Feedback Mechanisms and Cooperativity. FIMH 2003: 62-71
4EEFrank B. Sachse, Gunnar Seemann: Modeling of Cardiac Electro-Mechanics in a Truncated Ellipsoid Model of Left Ventricle. IS4TH 2003: 253-260
3EEMatthias B. Mohr, Leonhard G. Blümcke, Gunnar Seemann, Frank B. Sachse, Olaf Dössel: Volume Modeling of Myocard Deformation with a Spring Mass System. IS4TH 2003: 332-339
2EEFrank B. Sachse, K. G. Glänzel, Gunnar Seemann: Modeling of protein Interactions involved in Cardiac tension Development. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 13(12): 3561-3578 (2003)
1EEFrank B. Sachse, Gunnar Seemann, Matthias B. Mohr, Arun V. Holden: Mathematical Modeling of Cardiac Electro-mechanics: from protein to Organ. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 13(12): 3747-3755 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Jörg Albers [6]
2Leonhard G. Blümcke [3]
3Olaf Dössel [3] [6] [7] [9] [10]
4Dima Farina [10]
5Clifford J. Garratt [11]
6K. G. Glänzel [2] [5]
7Siegfried Hagl [6] [7]
8Arun V. Holden [1] [11] [13]
9Nalan Kayhan [6]
10Sanjay Kharche [11] [13]
11Joanna Leng [11] [13]
12Lee Margetts [13]
13Matthias B. Mohr [1] [3] [10]
14G. Reinerth [6] [7]
15Matthias Reumann [6] [7] [10]
16Frank B. Sachse [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [12]
17Bruno Taccardi [8]
18Christian-Friedrich Vahl [6] [7]
19Daniel L. Weiß [9] [10]
20Henggui Zhang [11] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)