
Gheorghe Scutaru

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6EEGheorghe Scutaru, Elena Cocorada, Mariela Pavalache, Anna Marina Scapolla, Massimo Mustica, Dominic Mircea Kristaly: Enhanced individualized learning environment. PETRA 2008: 56
5 Paul Nicolae Borza, Luís Gomes, Gheorghe Scutaru: e-learning and Virtual and Remote Laboratories, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on e-learning and Virtual and Remote Laboratories, VIRTUAL-LAB 2004, In conjunction with ICINCO 2004, Setúbal, Portugal, August 2004 INSTICC Press 2004
4 A. Duta, I. Visa, E. B. Fazakas, Gheorghe Scutaru: eLearning Tool for Adults Training on Renewable Energy Systems Developed in the Leonardo Da Vinci Project RES&EM ICT Tools. VIRTUAL-LAB 2004: 119-127
3 Gheorghe Scutaru, Leão Rodrigues, Paul Raes, Dan Sorea: Didactical Software Tools on Electrical Circuits and Electrical Machines, Produced in the Frame of the Leonardo Da Vinci Pilot Project "Virtual-Electro-Lab". VIRTUAL-LAB 2004: 12-19
2 Florin Sandu, Gheorghe Scutaru, Ioan Emilian Cucerzan, Daniel Iolu: Virtual Remote Measurement of Controlled Sources. VIRTUAL-LAB 2004: 44-51
1 Paul Nicolae Borza, Gheorghe Scutaru, Luís Gomes, Anikó Costa, Lazar Laszlo: Implementation of a remote and virtual laboratory in the field of home appliance systems. VIRTUAL-LAB 2004: 60-68

Coauthor Index

1Paul Nicolae Borza [1] [5]
2Elena Cocorada [6]
3Anikó Costa [1]
4Ioan Emilian Cucerzan [2]
5A. Duta [4]
6E. B. Fazakas [4]
7Luís Gomes [1] [5]
8Daniel Iolu [2]
9Dominic Mircea Kristaly [6]
10Lazar Laszlo [1]
11Massimo Mustica [6]
12Mariela Pavalache [6]
13Paul Raes [3]
14Leão Rodrigues [3]
15Florin Sandu [2]
16Anna Marina Scapolla [6]
17Dan Sorea [3]
18I. Visa [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)