
Roger S. Scowen

R. S. Scowen

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15 Roger S. Scowen: The Predicate consult/1 - A Problem in Prolog Standardisation. ALPUK 1991: 206-215
14 R. S. Scowen: An Overview of Prolog Standardization - Progress, Problems and Solutions. ICLP 1991: 922-936
13EERoger S. Scowen: Conformance testing of software. Computers & Graphics 8(1): 5-12 (1984)
12 R. S. Scowen: A standard syntactic metalanguage. SIGPLAN Notices 17(3): 68-73 (1982)
11 R. S. Scowen, Zbigniew Ciechanowicz: Seven sorts of programs. SIGPLAN Notices 17(3): 74-79 (1982)
10 R. S. Scowen: A Survey of some Text Editors. Softw., Pract. Exper. 11(9): 883-906 (1981)
9 R. S. Scowen: A New Technique for Improving the Quality of Computer Programs. ICSE 1979: 73-78
8 R. Burdekin, R. S. Scowen: Computers and the Construction of Economic Models. Comput. J. 22(1): 3-10 (1979)
7 R. S. Scowen: Some Aids for Program Documentation. Softw., Pract. Exper. 7(6): 779-792 (1977)
6 I. D. Hill, R. S. Scowen, Brian A. Wichmann: Writing Algorithms in ALGOL 60. Softw., Pract. Exper. 5(3): 229-244 (1975)
5 R. S. Scowen, Brian A. Wichmann: The Definition of Comments in Programming Languages. Softw., Pract. Exper. 4(2): 181-188 (1974)
4 R. S. Scowen: Babel and SOAP, Applications for Extensible Compilers. Softw., Pract. Exper. 3(1): 15-27 (1973)
3 R. S. Scowen, D. Allin, A. L. Hillman, M. Shimell: SOAP - A Program which Documents and Edits ALGOL 60 Programs. Comput. J. 14(2): 133-135 (1971)
2EERoger S. Scowen: Algorithm 271: quickersort. Commun. ACM 8(11): 669-670 (1965)
1EER. S. Scowen: Certification of algorithm 173: assign. Commun. ACM 6(10): 619 (1963)

Coauthor Index

1D. Allin [3]
2R. Burdekin [8]
3Zbigniew Ciechanowicz [11]
4I. D. Hill [6]
5A. L. Hillman [3]
6M. Shimell [3]
7Brian A. Wichmann [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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