
Charles T. Scialfa

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4EEJames L. Croft, Daniel J. Pittman, Charles T. Scialfa: Gaze behavior of spotters during an air-to-ground search. ETRA 2006: 163-179
3EEGeoffrey Ho, Dana Wheatley, Charles T. Scialfa: Age differences in trust and reliance of a medication management system. Interacting with Computers 17(6): 690-710 (2005)
2 Larry Katz, Ernest Chang, Jacqueline Lyndon, Charles T. Scialfa, Ali Reza Rezaei, Cynthia Aizenman, Gail Kopp: Approaches to Peer-to-Peer Learning in the Adult Disadvantaged Population. ICCE 2002: 392-393
1EECharles T. Scialfa, Lisa McPhee, Geoffrey Ho: The effects of a simulated cellular phone conversation on search for traffic signs in an elderly sample. ETRA 2000: 45-50

Coauthor Index

1Cynthia Aizenman [2]
2Ernest Chang [2]
3James L. Croft [4]
4Geoffrey Ho [1] [3]
5Larry Katz [2]
6Gail Kopp [2]
7Jacqueline Lyndon [2]
8Lisa McPhee [1]
9Daniel J. Pittman [4]
10Ali Reza Rezaei [2]
11Dana Wheatley [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)