
Herbert D. Schwetman

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29EEDarpan Dinker, Herbert D. Schwetman: Using Java method traces to automatically characterize and model J2EE server applications. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1187-1194
28EEHerbert D. Schwetman: Coping with Complexity: Abstractions, Models, and Data. Annual Simulation Symposium 2002: 3-
27EEHerbert D. Schwetman: CSIM19: CSIM19: a powerful tool for building system models. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 250-255
26 Herbert D. Schwetman: Finding the best system configuration: an application of optimization and simulation. ESM 2000: 589-592
25EEHerbert D. Schwetman: CSIM18/OptQuest: optimizing simulations with CSIM18/OptQuest: finding the best configuration. Winter Simulation Conference 2000: 268-273
24EEHerbert D. Schwetman: "Model, then build": a modern approach to systems development using CSIM18. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 249-254
23EEHerbert D. Schwetman: Model-based Systems Analysis Using CSIM18. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 309-314
22EEDouglas J. Morrice, Peter W. Mullarkey, Astrid S. Kenyon, Herbert D. Schwetman, Jingfang Zhou: Simulation of a Signal Quality Survey. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 1265-1272
21EEHerbert D. Schwetman, Jeffrey A. Brumfield: Data Analysis and Automatic Run-Length Control in CSIM18. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 687-692
20EEHerbert D. Schwetman, Arun Mulpur: The VisSim/Discrete Event Modeling Environment. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 693-697
19EEHerbert D. Schwetman: CSIM18 - The Simulation Engine. Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 517-521
18EEHerbert D. Schwetman: Object-Oriented Simulation Modeling with C++/CSIM17. Winter Simulation Conference 1995: 529-533
17EEHerbert D. Schwetman: CSIM17: a simulation model-building toolkit. Winter Simulation Conference 1994: 464-470
16EEMary Ann Flanigan Wagner, Süleyman Sevinc, Oryal Tanir, Peter L. Haigh, James D. Arthur, Richard E. Nance, Herbert D. Schwetman: A standard simulation environment: a review of preliminary requirements. Winter Simulation Conference 1994: 664-672
15 Herbert D. Schwetman, Jean C. Walrand, Kallol Kumar Bagchi, Doug DeGroot: MASCOTS '93, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation On Computer and Telecommunication Systems, January 17-20, 1993, La Jolla, San Diego, CA, USA The Society for Computer Simulation 1993
14EEHerbert D. Schwetman: Introduction to process-oriented simulation and CSIM. Winter Simulation Conference 1990: 154-157
13 Marc G. Smith, William Alexander, Haran Boral, George P. Copeland, Tom W. Keller, Herbert D. Schwetman, Chii-Ren Young: An Experiment on Response Time Scalability in Bubba. IWDM 1989: 34-57
12EETeemu Kerola, Herbert D. Schwetman: Monit: A Performance Monitoring Tool for Parallel and Pseudo-Parallel Programs. SIGMETRICS 1987: 163-174
11 Kuo-Cheng Li, Herbert D. Schwetman: Implementing a Scaler C Compiler on the Cyber 205. Softw., Pract. Exper. 14(9): 867-888 (1984)
10 Daniel A. Reed, Herbert D. Schwetman: Cost-Performance Bounds for Multimicrocomputer Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(1): 83-95 (1983)
9 Herbert D. Schwetman: Computer System Models: An Introduction. SIGMETRICS 1981: 105
8 Herbert D. Schwetman: Tutorial on Analytic System Modeling. Int. CMG Conference 1978: 241-245
7 Herbert D. Schwetman: Hybrid Simulation Models of Computer Systems. Commun. ACM 21(9): 718-723 (1978)
6 Herbert D. Schwetman: Job Scheduling in Multiprogrammed Computer Systems. Softw., Pract. Exper. 8(3): 241-255 (1978)
5 Gianfranco Balbo, Steven C. Bruell, Herbert D. Schwetman: Customer Classes and Closed Network Models-A Solution Technique. IFIP Congress 1977: 559-564
4 Herbert D. Schwetman: Hybrid Simulation Models: A Speed-up Technique Combining Analystic and Distrete-event Modelling. Modelle für Rechensysteme 1977: 226-237
3EEK. L. Krause, V. Y. Shen, Herbert D. Schwetman: Errata: ``Analysis of Several Task-Scheduling Algorithms for a Model of Multiprogramming Computer Systems''. J. ACM 24(3): 527 (1977)
2EEK. L. Krause, V. Y. Shen, Herbert D. Schwetman: Analysis of Several Task-Scheduling Algorithms for a Model of Multiprogramming Computer Systems. J. ACM 22(4): 522-550 (1975)
1 K. L. Krause, V. Y. Shen, Herbert D. Schwetman: A Task Schedulinh Algorithm for a Multiprogramming Computer System. SOSP 1973: 112-118

Coauthor Index

1William Alexander [13]
2James D. Arthur [16]
3Kallol Kumar Bagchi [15]
4Gianfranco Balbo [5]
5Haran Boral [13]
6Steven C. Bruell [5]
7Jeffrey A. Brumfield [21]
8George P. Copeland [13]
9Doug DeGroot [15]
10Darpan Dinker [29]
11Peter L. Haigh [16]
12Tom W. Keller [13]
13Astrid S. Kenyon [22]
14Teemu Kerola [12]
15K. L. Krause [1] [2] [3]
16Kuo-Cheng Li [11]
17Douglas J. Morrice [22]
18Peter W. Mullarkey [22]
19Arun Mulpur [20]
20Richard E. Nance [16]
21Daniel A. Reed [10]
22Süleyman Sevinc [16]
23V. Y. Shen [1] [2] [3]
24Marc G. Smith [13]
25Oryal Tanir [16]
26Mary Ann Flanigan Wagner [16]
27Jean C. Walrand [15]
28Chii-Ren Young [13]
29Jingfang Zhou [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)