
Sven Schwarz

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14 Jan-Oliver Deutsch, Jörg Cassens, Sven Schwarz: Preface: Case-Based Reasoning and Context Awareness. ECCBR Workshops 2008: 11
13EELudger van Elst, Malte Kiesel, Sven Schwarz, Georg Buscher, Andreas Lauer, Andreas Dengel: Contextualized Knowledge Acquisition in a Personal Semantic Wiki. EKAW 2008: 172-187
12EEMalte Kiesel, Sven Schwarz, Ludger van Elst, Georg Buscher: Mymory: Enhancing a Semantic Wiki with Context Annotations. ESWC 2008: 817-821
11EEMalte Kiesel, Sven Schwarz: Skipforwards a Lightweight Ontology-based Peer-to-Peer Recommendation System. International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos) 2008
10EEMalte Kiesel, Sven Schwarz, Ludger van Elst, Georg Buscher: Using Attention and Context Information for Annotations in a Semantic Wiki. SemWiki 2008
9 Lorcan Coyle, Sven Schwarz: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Case Based Reasoning and Context-Awareness Colocated with the 7th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning (ICCBR), Belfast, Northern Ireland, August 15, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2007
8 Sven Schwarz, Steven Bogaerts, Stefan Schulz: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Case-based Reasoning and Context Awareness (CACOA) co-located with the 8th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR) September 5, 2006, Ölüdeniz/Fethiye, Turkey CEUR-WS.org 2006
7 Roza Shkundina, Sven Schwarz: A Similarity Measure for Task Contexts. ICCBR Workshops 2005: 261-270
6EELeo Sauermann, Sven Schwarz: Gnowsis Adapter Framework: Treating Structured Data Sources as Virtual RDF Graphs. International Semantic Web Conference 2005: 1016-1028
5EESven Schwarz: A Context Model for Personal Knowledge Management Applications. MRC 2005: 18-33
4EEAnsgar Bernardi, Andreas Dengel, Ludger van Elst, Andreas Lauer, Heiko Maus, Sven Schwarz: FRODO: Ein Agentenframework für verteilte Unternehmensgedächtnisse. KI 18(3): 59- (2004)
3EELudger van Elst, Felix-Robinson Aschoff, Ansgar Bernardi, Heiko Maus, Sven Schwarz: Weakly-structured Workflows for Knowledge-intensive Tasks: An Experimental Evaluation. WETICE 2003: 340-345
2 Sven Schwarz: Task-Konzepte: Struktur und Semantik für Workflows. Wissensmanagement 2003: 351-356
1 Andreas Dengel, Andreas Abecker, Ansgar Bernardi, Ludger van Elst, Heiko Maus, Sven Schwarz, Michael Sintek: Konzepte zur Gestaltung von Unternehmensgedächtnissen. KI 16(1): 5-11 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Abecker [1]
2Felix-Robinson Aschoff [3]
3Ansgar Bernardi [1] [3] [4]
4Steven Bogaerts [8]
5Georg Buscher [10] [12] [13]
6Jörg Cassens [14]
7Lorcan Coyle [9]
8Andreas Dengel [1] [4] [13]
9Jan-Oliver Deutsch [14]
10Ludger van Elst [1] [3] [4] [10] [12] [13]
11Malte Kiesel [10] [11] [12] [13]
12Andreas Lauer [4] [13]
13Heiko Maus [1] [3] [4]
14Leo Sauermann [6]
15Stefan Schulz [8]
16Roza Shkundina [7]
17Michael Sintek [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)