
Christoph Schwab

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6EEM. Negreanu, Ana-Maria Matache, Christoph Schwab: Wavelet Filtering for Exact Controllability of the Wave Equation. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 28(5): 1851-1885 (2006)
5EEAna-Maria Matache, Christoph Schwab, Thomas P. Wihler: Fast Numerical Solution of Parabolic Integrodifferential Equations with Applications in Finance. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 27(2): 369-393 (2005)
4EEAna-Maria Matache, Tomás Roubícek, Christoph Schwab: Higher-Order Convex Approximations of Young Measures in Optimal Control. Adv. Comput. Math. 19(1-3): 73-97 (2003)
3EEVít Dolejsí, Miloslav Feistauer, Christoph Schwab: On some aspects of the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for conservation laws. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 61(3-6): 333-346 (2003)
2 Paul Castillo, Bernardo Cockburn, Dominik Schötzau, Christoph Schwab: Optimal a priori error estimates for the hp-version of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for convection--diffusion problems. Math. Comput. 71(238): 455-478 (2002)
1 Christoph Schwab, Manil Suri: The p and hp versions of the finite element method for problems with boundary layers. Math. Comput. 65(216): 1403-1429 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Castillo [2]
2Bernardo Cockburn [2]
3Vít Dolejsí [3]
4Miloslav Feistauer [3]
5Ana-Maria Matache [4] [5] [6]
6M. Negreanu [6]
7Tomás Roubícek [4]
8Dominik Schötzau [2]
9Manil Suri [1]
10Thomas P. Wihler [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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