
Vincent Schuster

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4EEMark Leair, Douglas Miles, Vincent Schuster, Michael Wolfe: Flexible Data Distribution in PGHPF. Euro-Par 1999: 418-421
3EEZeki Bozkus, Larry Meadows, Steven Nakamoto, Vincent Schuster, Mark Young: PGHPF - An Optimizing High Performance Fortran Compiler for Distributed Memory Machines. Scientific Programming 6(1): 29-40 (1997)
2 Zeki Bozkus, Larry Meadows, Steven Nakamoto, Vincent Schuster, Mark Young: Compiling High Performance Fortran. PPSC 1995: 704-709
1EEDennis Gannon, Larry Smarr, Vincent Schuster: Where is the Supercomputer Software Revolution? SC 1995

Coauthor Index

1Zeki Bozkus [2] [3]
2Dennis Gannon [1]
3Mark Leair [4]
4Larry Meadows [2] [3]
5Douglas Miles [4]
6Steven Nakamoto [2] [3]
7Larry Smarr [1]
8Michael Wolfe [4]
9Mark Young [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)