
Anne Schur

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3EEAnne Schur, Kelly A. Keating, Deborah A. Payne, Tom Valdez, Kenneth R. Yates, James D. Myers: Collaborative suites for experiment-oriented scientific research. Interactions 5(3): 40-47 (1998)
2EEJames A. Wise, James J. Thomas, Kelly Pennock, D. Lantrip, M. Pottier, Anne Schur, V. Crow: Visualizing the non-visual: spatial analysis and interaction with information from text documents. INFOVIS 1995: 51-58
1EEJames J. Thomas, Shaw Bohn, James C. Brown, Kelly Pennock, Anne Schur, James A. Wise: Information Visualization: Data Infrastructure Architectures. SSDBM 1994: 2-9

Coauthor Index

1Shaw Bohn [1]
2James C. Brown [1]
3V. Crow [2]
4Kelly A. Keating [3]
5D. Lantrip [2]
6James D. Myers [3]
7Deborah A. Payne [3]
8Kelly Pennock [1] [2]
9M. Pottier [2]
10James J. Thomas (Jim Thomas) [1] [2]
11Tom Valdez [3]
12James A. Wise [1] [2]
13Kenneth R. Yates [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)