
Ulrike Schultze

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11EEUlrike Schultze, Julie Rennecker: Refraining Online Games. Virtuality and Virtualization 2007: 335-351
10EEUlrike Schultze, Traci A. Carte: Contextualizing usage research for interactive technology: the case of car e-tailing. DATA BASE 38(1): 29-59 (2007)
9EEChristian Hardless, Rikard Lindgren, Ulrike Schultze: Technology-Mediated Learning Systems For Project Work. Scandinavian J. Inf. Systems 19(2): (2007)
8 Richard J. Boland Jr., Elizabeth Davidson, Suzanne D. Pawlowski, Ulrike Schultze, Emmanuelle Vaast: Investigating the "Knowledge" in Knowledge Management: A Social Representations Perspective. ICIS 2005
7EEUlrike Schultze, Dorothy E. Leidner: Studying Knowledge Management in Information Systems Resarch: Discourses and Theoretical Assumptions. MIS Quarterly 26(3): (2002)
6EEUlrike Schultze, Page Moreau: Electronic commerce: the impact of the Internet on sales practices in the car industry. ICIS 2000: 696-704
5 Ulrike Schultze, Michael D. Myers, Eileen M. Trauth: Addressing the Shortcomings of Interpretive Field Research: Reflecting Social Construction in the Write-up. Organizational and Social Perspectives on IT 2000: 507-510
4EEUlrike Schultze: A Confessional Account of an Ethnography About Knowledge Work. MIS Quarterly 24(1): (2000)
3 Sue A. Conger, Ulrike Schultze: Understanding E-commerce Through Genre Theory: The Case of The Car-Buying Process. New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes 1999: 219-240
2EEUlrike Schultze, Richard J. Boland Jr., Lynda Harvey, Helena Karsten: Four perspectives for understanding work practices: Giddens, Bourdieu, Foucault, and narrative (panel session). ICIS 1998: 407
1EEUlrike Schultze, Richard J. Boland Jr.: Hard and Soft Information Genres: An Analysis of two Notes Databases. HICSS (6) 1997: 40-49

Coauthor Index

1Richard J. Boland Jr. [1] [2] [8]
2Traci A. Carte [10]
3Sue A. Conger [3]
4Elizabeth J. Davidson (Elizabeth Davidson) [8]
5Christian Hardless [9]
6Lynda Harvey [2]
7Helena Karsten [2]
8Dorothy E. Leidner [7]
9Rikard Lindgren [9]
10Page Moreau [6]
11Michael D. Myers [5]
12Suzanne D. Pawlowski [8]
13Julie Rennecker [11]
14Eileen M. Trauth [5]
15Emmanuelle Vaast [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)