
E. Eugene Schultz

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67EEE. Eugene Schultz: What infosec changes are likely to result from the recent US election? Computers & Security 26(1): 1-2 (2007)
66EEE. Eugene Schultz: Windows Vista: Microsoft's brave new world. Computers & Security 26(2): 99 (2007)
65EEE. Eugene Schultz: Mobile computing: The next Pandora's Box. Computers & Security 26(3): 187 (2007)
64EEE. Eugene Schultz: Struggles in the academic side of infosec. Computers & Security 26(4): 267-268 (2007)
63EEKim-Phuong L. Vu, Robert W. Proctor, Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel, Bik-Lam (Belin) Tai, Joshua Cook, E. Eugene Schultz: Improving password security and memorability to protect personal and organizational information. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 65(8): 744-757 (2007)
62EEE. Eugene Schultz: Dilemmas and boundaries of digital rights management. Computers & Security 25(1): 1-2 (2006)
61EEE. Eugene Schultz: About "Unofficial patches". Computers & Security 25(2): 79-80 (2006)
60EEE. Eugene Schultz: Special systems: Overlooked sources of security risk? Computers & Security 25(3): 155 (2006)
59EEE. Eugene Schultz: Representing information security fairly and accurately. Computers & Security 25(4): 237 (2006)
58EEE. Eugene Schultz: The changing winds of information security. Computers & Security 25(5): 315-316 (2006)
57EEE. Eugene Schultz: Microsoft is back in the hot seat. Computers & Security 25(6): 393-394 (2006)
56EEE. Eugene Schultz: Issues concerning the distribution of vulnerability information. Computers & Security 25(7): 475-476 (2006)
55EEE. Eugene Schultz: Predicting the future of InfoSec. Computers & Security 25(8): 553-554 (2006)
54EEE. Eugene Schultz: Search engines: a growing contributor to security risk. Computers & Security 24(2): 87-88 (2005)
53EEE. Eugene Schultz: Lycos crosses the line. Computers & Security 24(2): 89-90 (2005)
52EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security dilemmas with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Computers & Security 24(3): 175-176 (2005)
51EEE. Eugene Schultz: Personal information compromises: It is time for the U.S. Government to wake up. Computers & Security 24(4): 261-262 (2005)
50EEE. Eugene Schultz: Non-infosec professionals in infosec? Computers & Security 24(5): 347-348 (2005)
49 E. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 24(5): 349-358 (2005)
48EEE. Eugene Schultz: The human factor in security. Computers & Security 24(6): 425-426 (2005)
47 E. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 24(6): 427-436 (2005)
46EEE. Eugene Schultz: Aligning disaster recovery and security incident response. Computers & Security 24(7): 505-506 (2005)
45EEE. Eugene Schultz: Infosec certification: Which way do we turn from here? Computers & Security 24(8): 587-588 (2005)
44 E. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 24(8): 589-598 (2005)
43EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security training and awareness - fitting a square peg in a round hole. Computers & Security 23(1): 1-2 (2004)
42EEE. Eugene Schultz: Incident response teams need to change. Computers & Security 23(2): 87-88 (2004)
41EEE. Eugene Schultz: Worms and viruses: are we losing control? Computers & Security 23(3): 179-180 (2004)
40EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 23(3): 181-190 (2004)
39EEE. Eugene Schultz: Intrusion prevention. Computers & Security 23(4): 265-266 (2004)
38EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 23(4): 267-274 (2004)
37EEE. Eugene Schultz: Sarbanes-Oxley - a huge boon to information security in the US. Computers & Security 23(5): 353-354 (2004)
36EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 23(5): 355-361 (2004)
35EEE. Eugene Schultz: The case for one-time credentials. Computers & Security 23(6): 441-442 (2004)
34EEE. Eugene Schultz: The gap between cryptography and information security: has it narrowed? Computers & Security 23(7): 531-532 (2004)
33 E. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 23(7): 533-541 (2004)
32EEE. Eugene Schultz: Is the U.S. government really getting serious about information security? Computers & Security 23(8): 621-622 (2004)
31 E. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 22(1): 4-13 (2003)
30 Jesper M. Johansson, E. Eugene Schultz: Dealing with contextual vulnerabilities in code: distinguishing between solutions and pseudosolutions. Computers & Security 22(2): 152-159 (2003)
29 E. Eugene Schultz: Internet security: what's in the future? Computers & Security 22(2): 78-79 (2003)
28 E. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 22(2): 80-89 (2003)
27EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 22(3): 176-187 (2003)
26EESeny Kamara, Sonia Fahmy, E. Eugene Schultz, Florian Kerschbaum, Michael Frantzen: Analysis of vulnerabilities in Internet firewalls. Computers & Security 22(3): 214-232 (2003)
25EEE. Eugene Schultz: Why can't Microsoft stay out of the InfoSec headlines? Computers & Security 22(4): 270-272 (2003)
24EEE. Eugene Schultz: Attackers hit Web hosting servers. Computers & Security 22(4): 273-283 (2003)
23EEE. Eugene Schultz: Pandora's Box: spyware, adware, autoexecution, and NGSCB. Computers & Security 22(5): 366-367 (2003)
22EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 22(5): 368-377 (2003)
21EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security views: Online piracy battle heats up in US. Computers & Security 22(6): 464-473 (2003)
20EEE. Eugene Schultz: Patching Pandemonium. Computers & Security 22(7): 556-558 (2003)
19EEE. Eugene Schultz: Information security and the media. Computers & Security 22(8): 652-653 (2003)
18EEE. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 22(8): 654-663 (2003)
17 E. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 21(1): 5-15 (2002)
16 E. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 21(2): 101-112 (2002)
15 E. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 21(3): 201-211 (2002)
14 E. Eugene Schultz: The Sorry State of Law Enforcement. Computers & Security 21(4): 290-292 (2002)
13 E. Eugene Schultz: Security views. Computers & Security 21(4): 293-302 (2002)
12 E. Eugene Schultz: Taking a stand on hackers. Computers & Security 21(5): 382-384 (2002)
11 E. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 21(5): 385-396 (2002)
10 E. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 21(6): 481-490 (2002)
9 E. Eugene Schultz: A framework for understanding and predicting insider attacks. Computers & Security 21(6): 526-531 (2002)
8 E. Eugene Schultz: The US Government bigger and better information security? Computers & Security 21(7): 578-580 (2002)
7 E. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 21(7): 581-590 (2002)
6 E. Eugene Schultz: The gap between cryptography and information security. Computers & Security 21(8): 674-67 (2002)
5 E. Eugene Schultz: Security Views. Computers & Security 21(8): 677-688 (2002)
4 Michael Frantzen, Florian Kerschbaum, E. Eugene Schultz, Sonia Fahmy: A Framework for Understanding Vulnerabilities in Firewalls Using a Dataflow Model of Firewall Internals. Computers & Security 20(3): 263-270 (2001)
3 E. Eugene Schultz, Robert W. Proctor, Mei-Ching Lien, Gavriel Salvendy: Usability and Security An Appraisal of Usability Issues in Information Security Methods. Computers & Security 20(7): 620-634 (2001)
2EEE. Eugene Schultz: Windows NT security: Kudos, concerns, and prescriptions. Computers & Security 18(3): 204-210 (1999)
1EEThomas A. Longstaff, E. Eugene Schultz: Beyond preliminary analysis of the WANK and OILZ worms: a case study of malicious code. Computers & Security 12(1): 61-77 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel [63]
2Joshua Cook [63]
3Sonia Fahmy [4] [26]
4Michael Frantzen [4] [26]
5Jesper M. Johansson [30]
6Seny Kamara [26]
7Florian Kerschbaum [4] [26]
8Mei-Ching Lien [3]
9Thomas A. Longstaff [1]
10Robert W. Proctor [3] [63]
11Gavriel Salvendy [3]
12Bik-Lam (Belin) Tai [63]
13Kim-Phuong L. Vu [63]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)