
Richard E. Schuler

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14EERichard E. Schuler: Spatial Arbitrage to Reduce "Seams" across Electricity System Control Areas: An Experimental Analysis. HICSS 2008: 177
13EENodir Adilov, Richard E. Schuler: Electricity Markets: How Many, Where and When? HICSS 2006
12EERichard E. Schuler: Market Design, Reliability and Infrastructure Investment. HICSS 2005
11EENodir Adilov, Thomas Light, Richard E. Schuler, William Schulze, David E. Toomey, Ray Zimmerman: Market Structure and the Predictability of Electricity System Line Flows: An Experimental Analysis. HICSS 2005
10EEDavid E. Toomey, William Schulze, Richard E. Schuler, Robert J. Thomas, James S. Thorp: Reliability, Electric Power, and Public Versus Private Goods: A New Look at the Role of Markets. HICSS 2005
9EERichard E. Schuler: Market Designs for Electric Systems: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
8EENodir Adilov, Richard E. Schuler, William Schulze, David E. Toomey: The Effect of Customer Participation in Electricity Markets: An Experimental Analysis of Alternative Market Structures. HICSS 2004
7EETimothy Mount, William Schulze, Richard E. Schuler: Markets for Reliability and Financial Options in Electricity: Theory to Support the Practice. HICSS 2003: 53
6EERobert J. Thomas, Timothy Mount, Ray Zimmerman, William Schulze, Richard E. Schuler, L. D. Chapman: Testing the Effects of Price Responsive Demand on Pay-as-Offered and Soft-Cap Electricity Auctions. HICSS 2002: 54
5EERichard E. Schuler: Electricity and Ancillary Services Markets in New York State: Market Power in Theory and Practice. HICSS 2001
4EERichard E. Schuler: Analytic and experimentally derived estimates of market power in deregulated electricity systems: policy implications for the management and institutional evolution of the industry. Decision Support Systems 30(3): 341-355 (2001)
3EERichard E. Schuler: Analytic and Experimentally-Derived Estimates of Market Power in Deregulated Electricity Systems: Policy Implications for the Management and Institutional Evolution of the Industry. HICSS 1999
2EEJohn C. Bernard, Warren Hall, Robert Either, Timothy Mount, William Schulze, Ray Zimmerman, David Gan, Carlos Murillo-Sánchez, Robert J. Thomas, Richard E. Schuler: Experimental Results for Single Period Auctions. HICSS (3) 1998: 15-23
1EERichard E. Schuler: The Dynamics of Market Power with Deregulated Electricity Generation Supplies. HICSS (3) 1998: 9-14

Coauthor Index

1Nodir Adilov [8] [11] [13]
2John C. Bernard [2]
3L. D. Chapman [6]
4Robert Either [2]
5David Gan [2]
6Warren Hall [2]
7Thomas Light [11]
8Timothy D. Mount (Timothy Mount) [2] [6] [7]
9Carlos Murillo-Sánchez [2]
10William Schulze [2] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11]
11Robert J. Thomas [2] [6] [10]
12James S. Thorp [10]
13David E. Toomey [8] [10] [11]
14Ray Zimmerman [2] [6] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)