
Rainer Schuler

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38EEThomas Hofmeister, Uwe Schöning, Rainer Schuler, Osamu Watanabe: Randomized Algorithms for 3-SAT. Theory Comput. Syst. 40(3): 249-262 (2007)
37EEBeatrice List, Markus Maucher, Uwe Schöning, Rainer Schuler: Randomized Quicksort and the Entropy of the Random Source. COCOON 2005: 450-460
36EERainer Schuler: An algorithm for the satisfiability problem of formulas in conjunctive normal form. J. Algorithms 54(1): 40-44 (2005)
35EEBeatrice List, Markus Maucher, Uwe Schöning, Rainer Schuler: Randomized QuickSort and the Entropy of the Random Source. Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity 2004
34EEBeatrice List, Markus Maucher, Uwe Schöning, Rainer Schuler: Randomized Quicksort and the Entropy of the Random Number Generator Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(059): (2004)
33EEJohannes Köbler, Rainer Schuler: Average-case intractability vs. worst-case intractability. Inf. Comput. 190(1): 1-17 (2004)
32EEVikraman Arvind, Rainer Schuler: The Quantum Query Complexity of 0-1 Knapsack and Associated Claw Problems. ISAAC 2003: 168-177
31EESven Baumer, Rainer Schuler: Improving a Probabilistic 3-SAT Algorithm by Dynamic Search and Independent Clause Pairs. SAT 2003: 150-161
30EEBoris Hollas, Rainer Schuler: A Stochastic Approach to Count RNA Molecules Using DNA Sequencing Methods. WABI 2003: 55-62
29EESven Baumer, Rainer Schuler: Improving a probabilistic 3-SAT Algorithm by Dynamic Search and Independent Clause Pairs Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 10(010): (2003)
28EEHubert Hug, Rainer Schuler: Implementation of a Random Walk Method for Solving 3-SAT on Circular DNA Molecules. DNA 2002: 133-142
27EEThomas Hofmeister, Uwe Schöning, Rainer Schuler, Osamu Watanabe: A Probabilistic 3-SAT Algorithm Further Improved. STACS 2002: 192-202
26EEShin Aida, Rainer Schuler, Tatsuie Tsukiji, Osamu Watanabe: The Difference between Polynomial-Time Many-One and Truth-Table Reducibilities on Distributional Problems. Theory Comput. Syst. 35(4): 449-463 (2002)
25EEHubert Hug, Rainer Schuler: DNA-based Parallel Computation of Simple Arithmetic. DNA 2001: 321-328
24EEShin Aida, Rainer Schuler, Tatsuie Tsukiji, Osamu Watanabe: On the Difference between Polynomial-Time Many-One and Truth-Table Reducibilities on Distributional Problems. STACS 2001: 51-62
23 Hubert Hug, Rainer Schuler: Strategies for the development of a peptide computer. Bioinformatics 17(4): 364-368 (2001)
22EEShin Aida, Rainer Schuler, Tatsuie Tsukiji, Osamu Watanabe: On the difference between polynomial-time many-one and truth-table reducibilities on distributional problems Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 7(81): (2000)
21EEWolfgang Lindner, Rainer Schuler, Osamu Watanabe: Resource-Bounded Measure and Learnability. Theory Comput. Syst. 33(2): 151-170 (2000)
20EERainer Schuler: Universal Distributions and Time-Bounded Kolmogorov Complexity. STACS 1999: 434-443
19EEChristoph Karg, Johannes Köbler, Rainer Schuler: The Complexity of Generating Test Instances. Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1999: (1999)
18EEWolfgang Lindner, Rainer Schuler, Osamu Watanabe: Resource Bounded Measure and Learnability. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1998: 261-
17EEJohannes Köbler, Rainer Schuler: Average-Case Intractability vs. Worst-Case Intractability. MFCS 1998: 493-502
16EEJohannes Köbler, Rainer Schuler: Average-Case Intractability vs. Worst-Case Intractability Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 5(37): (1998)
15EERainer Schuler: A Note on Universal Distributions for Polynomial-Time Computable Distributions. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1997: 69-73
14 Christoph Karg, Johannes Köbler, Rainer Schuler: The Complexity of Generating Test Instances. STACS 1997: 375-386
13EERainer Schuler: Truth-table Closure and Turing Closure of Average Polynomial Time have Different Measures in EXP. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1996: 190-195
12 Rainer Schuler, Tomoyuki Yamakami: Structural Average Case Complexity. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 52(2): 308-348 (1996)
11 Rainer Schuler, Tomoyuki Yamakami: Sets Computable in Polynomial Time on Average. COCOON 1995: 400-409
10 Rainer Schuler: Average Polynominal Time Is Hard for Exponential Time Under sn-Reductions. FSTTCS 1995: 240-247
9 Christoph Karg, Rainer Schuler: Structure in Average Case Complexity. ISAAC 1995: 62-71
8 Rainer Schuler, Osamu Watanabe: Towards Average-Case Complexity Analysis of NP Optimization Problems. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1995: 148-159
7EERainer Schuler: Some Properties of Sets Tractable Under Every Polynomial-Time Computable Distribution. Inf. Process. Lett. 55(4): 179-184 (1995)
6 Vikraman Arvind, Johannes Köbler, Rainer Schuler: On Helping and Interactive Proof Systems. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 6(2): 137-153 (1995)
5EEVikraman Arvind, Johannes Köbler, Uwe Schöning, Rainer Schuler: If NP has Polynomial-Size Circuits, then MA=AM. Theor. Comput. Sci. 137(2): 279-282 (1995)
4 Vikraman Arvind, Johannes Köbler, Rainer Schuler: On Helping and Interactive Proof Systems. ISAAC 1994: 137-145
3 Rainer Schuler, Tomoyuki Yamakami: Structural Average Case Complexity. FSTTCS 1992: 128-139
2EEMartin Mundhenk, Rainer Schuler: Random languages for nonuniform complexity classes. J. Complexity 7(3): 296-310 (1991)
1 Martin Mundhenk, Rainer Schuler: Non-Uniform Complexity Classes and Random Languages. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1990: 110-119

Coauthor Index

1Shin Aida [22] [24] [26]
2Vikraman Arvind [4] [5] [6] [32]
3Sven Baumer [29] [31]
4Thomas Hofmeister [27] [38]
5Boris Hollas [30]
6Hubert Hug [23] [25] [28]
7Christoph Karg [9] [14] [19]
8Johannes Köbler [4] [5] [6] [14] [16] [17] [19] [33]
9Wolfgang Lindner [18] [21]
10Beatrice List [34] [35] [37]
11Markus Maucher [34] [35] [37]
12Martin Mundhenk [1] [2]
13Uwe Schöning [5] [27] [34] [35] [37] [38]
14Tatsuie Tsukiji [22] [24] [26]
15Osamu Watanabe [8] [18] [21] [22] [24] [26] [27] [38]
16Tomoyuki Yamakami [3] [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)