2008 |
100 | EE | Paolo Pilozzi,
Danny De Schreye:
Termination Analysis of CHR Revisited.
ICLP 2008: 501-515 |
2007 |
99 | EE | Jürgen Giesl,
Peter Schneider-Kamp,
René Thiemann,
Stephan Swiderski,
Manh Thang Nguyen,
Danny De Schreye,
Alexander Serebrenik:
Termination of Programs using Term Rewriting and SAT Solving.
Deduction and Decision Procedures 2007 |
98 | EE | Manh Thang Nguyen,
Jürgen Giesl,
Peter Schneider-Kamp,
Danny De Schreye:
Termination Analysis of Logic Programs Based on Dependency Graphs.
LOPSTR 2007: 8-22 |
2006 |
97 | EE | Manh Thang Nguyen,
Danny De Schreye:
Polytool: Proving Termination Automatically Based on Polynomial Interpretations.
LOPSTR 2006: 210-218 |
96 | EE | Jon Sneyers,
Joost Vennekens,
Danny De Schreye:
Probabilistic-Logical Modeling of Music.
PADL 2006: 60-72 |
2005 |
95 | EE | Manh Thang Nguyen,
Danny De Schreye:
Polynomial Interpretations as a Basis for Termination Analysis of Logic Programs.
ICLP 2005: 311-325 |
94 | EE | Yi-Dong Shen,
Danny De Schreye:
Termination Analysis of General Logic Programs for Moded Queries: A Dynamic Approach
CoRR abs/cs/0512055: (2005) |
93 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Termination of Floating-Point Computations.
J. Autom. Reasoning 34(2): 141-177 (2005) |
92 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
On termination of meta-programs.
TPLP 5(3): 355-390 (2005) |
2004 |
91 | | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops in Prolog.
TPLP 4(5-6): 719-751 (2004) |
2003 |
90 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Proving Termination with Adornments.
LOPSTR 2003: 108-109 |
89 | | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Hasta-La-Vista: Termination Analyser for Logic Programs.
WLPE 2003: 60-74 |
2002 |
88 | EE | Danny De Schreye,
Alexander Serebrenik:
Acceptability with General Orderings.
Computational Logic: Logic Programming and Beyond 2002: 187-210 |
87 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
On Termination of Logic Programs with Floating Point Computations.
SAS 2002: 151-164 |
2001 |
86 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
On Termination of Meta-Programs.
LPAR 2001: 517-530 |
85 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Inference of Termination Conditions for Numerical Loops in Prolog.
LPAR 2001: 654-668 |
84 | EE | Sofie Verbaeten,
Danny De Schreye,
Konstantinos F. Sagonas:
Termination proofs for logic programs with tabling.
ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 2(1): 57-92 (2001) |
83 | EE | Sofie Verbaeten,
Danny De Schreye:
Termination of Simply-Moded Well-Typed Logic Programs under a Tabled Execution Mechanism.
Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 12(1/2): 157-196 (2001) |
82 | EE | Danny De Schreye,
Alexander Serebrenik:
Acceptability with general orderings
CoRR cs.PL/0106052: (2001) |
81 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops
CoRR cs.PL/0106053: (2001) |
80 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Inference of termination conditions for numerical loops in Prolog
CoRR cs.PL/0110034: (2001) |
79 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
On termination of meta-programs
CoRR cs.PL/0110035: (2001) |
2000 |
78 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Non-tranformational termination analysis of logic programs, based on general term-orderings.
LOPSTR 2000 |
77 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Non-transformational Termination Analysis of Logic Programs, Based on General Term-Orderings.
LOPSTR (LNCS 2042: Selected Papers) 2000: 69-85 |
76 | | Danny De Schreye,
Maurice Bruynooghe,
Bart Demoen,
Marc Denecker,
Gerda Janssens,
Bern Martens:
Project Report on LP+: A Second Generation Logic Programming Language.
AI Commun. 13(1): 13-18 (2000) |
75 | EE | Sven Verdoolaege,
Marc Denecker,
Ness Schelkens,
Danny De Schreye,
Frank Van Eynde:
Semantic interpretation of temporal information by abductive inference
CoRR cs.CL/0011034: (2000) |
74 | EE | Sofie Verbaeten,
Danny De Schreye,
Konstantinos F. Sagonas:
Termination Proofs for Logic Programs with Tabling
CoRR cs.LO/0003045: (2000) |
73 | EE | Alexander Serebrenik,
Danny De Schreye:
Termination analysis of logic programs using acceptability with general term orders
CoRR cs.PL/0011025: (2000) |
72 | | Sofie Verbaeten,
Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
Compositionality of Normal Open Logic Programs.
J. Log. Program. 42(3): 151-183 (2000) |
71 | | Danny De Schreye,
Robert Glück,
Jesper Jørgensen,
Michael Leuschel,
Bern Martens,
Morten Heine Sørensen:
Erratum to: "Conjunctive Partial Deduction: Foundations, Control, Algorithms and Experiments".
J. Log. Program. 43(3): 265 (2000) |
1999 |
70 | EE | Sven Verdoolaege,
Marc Denecker,
Ness Schelkens,
Danny De Schreye,
Frank Van Eynde:
Semantic interpretation of temporal information by abductive inference.
CLIN 1999 |
69 | | Sofie Verbaeten,
Danny De Schreye:
Termination Analysis of Tabled Logic Programs Using Mode and Type Information.
Fuji International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming 1999: 163-178 |
68 | | Sofie Verbaeten,
Konstantinos F. Sagonas,
Danny De Schreye:
Modular Termination Proofs for Prolog with Tabling.
PPDP 1999: 342-359 |
67 | EE | Stefaan Decorte,
Danny De Schreye,
Henk Vandecasteele:
Constraint-based termination analysis of logic programs.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 21(6): 1137-1195 (1999) |
66 | | Danny De Schreye,
Robert Glück,
Jesper Jørgensen,
Michael Leuschel,
Bern Martens,
Morten Heine Sørensen:
Conjunctive Partial Deduction: Foundations, Control, Algorithms, and Experiments.
J. Log. Program. 41(2-3): 231-277 (1999) |
65 | | Wim Vanhoof,
Danny De Schreye,
Bern Martens:
Bottom-up Partial Deduction of Logic Programs
Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 1999(Special Issue 2): (1999) |
1998 |
64 | | Stefaan Decorte,
Danny De Schreye:
Termination Analysis: Some Practical Properties of the Norm and Level Mapping Space.
IJCSLP 1998: 235-249 |
63 | | Wim Vanhoof,
Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye,
Karel De Vlaminck:
Specialising the Other Way Arond.
IJCSLP 1998: 279-293 |
62 | EE | Wim Vanhoof,
Danny De Schreye,
Bern Martens:
Bottom-Up Specialisation of Logic Programs.
LOPSTR 1998: 325-327 |
61 | EE | Wim Vanhoof,
Danny De Schreye,
Bern Martens:
A Framework for Bottom Up Specialisation of Logic Programs.
PLILP/ALP 1998: 54-72 |
60 | EE | Michael Leuschel,
Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye:
Some Achievements and Prospects in Partial Deduction.
ACM Comput. Surv. 30(3es): 4 (1998) |
59 | EE | Michael Leuschel,
Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye:
Controlling Generalization amd Polyvariance in Partial Deduction of Normal Logic Programs.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 20(1): 208-258 (1998) |
58 | | Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
SLDNFA: An Abductive Procedure for Abductive Logic Programs.
J. Log. Program. 34(2): 111-167 (1998) |
57 | | Michael Leuschel,
Danny De Schreye:
Creating Specialised Integrity Checks Through Partial Evaluation of Meta-Interpreters.
J. Log. Program. 36(2): 149-193 (1998) |
56 | | Michael Leuschel,
Danny De Schreye:
Constrained Partial Deduction and the Preservation of Characteristic Trees.
New Generation Comput. 16(3): 283-342 (1998) |
1997 |
55 | | Kristof Van Belleghem,
Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
A Strong Correspondence between Description Logics and Open Logic Programming.
ICLP 1997: 346-360 |
54 | | Stefaan Decorte,
Danny De Schreye:
Demand-Driven and Constraint-Based Automatic Left-Termination Analysis for Logic Programs.
ICLP 1997: 78-92 |
53 | | Sofie Verbaeten,
Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
Compositionality of Normal Open Logic Programs.
ILPS 1997: 371-385 |
52 | EE | Stefaan Decorte,
Danny De Schreye,
Michael Leuschel,
Bern Martens,
Konstantinos F. Sagonas:
Termination Analysis for Tabled Logic Programming.
LOPSTR 1997: 111-127 |
51 | | Michael Leuschel,
Danny De Schreye:
Constrained Partial Deduction.
WLP 1997: 0- |
50 | | Kristof Van Belleghem,
Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
On the Relation Between Situation Calculus and Event Calculus.
J. Log. Program. 31(1-3): 3-37 (1997) |
1996 |
49 | | Marc Denecker,
Kristof Van Belleghem,
Guy Duchatelet,
Frank Piessens,
Danny De Schreye:
A Realistic Experiment in Knowledge Representation in Open Event Calculus: Protocol Specification.
JICSLP 1996: 170-184 |
48 | | Michael Leuschel,
Danny De Schreye,
D. Andre de Waal:
A Conceptual Embedding of Folding into Partial Deduction: Towards a Maximal Integration.
JICSLP 1996: 319-332 |
47 | | Michael Leuschel,
Danny De Schreye:
Logic Program Specialisation: How to Be More Specific (Abstract).
LOPSTR 1996: 58 |
46 | | Michael Leuschel,
Danny De Schreye:
Logic Program Specialisation: How To Be More Specific.
PLILP 1996: 137-151 |
45 | | Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye:
Automatic Finite Unfolding Using Well-Founded Measures.
J. Log. Program. 28(2): 89-146 (1996) |
1995 |
44 | | Marc Denecker,
Guy Duchatelet,
Frank Piessens,
Kristof Van Belleghem,
Danny De Schreye:
Using Event Calculus for Protocol Specification: An Experiment.
Deductive Databases / Abduction in Deductive Databases 1995: 187-201 |
43 | | Kristof Van Belleghem,
Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
Combining Situation Calculus and Event Calculus.
ICLP 1995: 83-97 |
42 | | Danny De Schreye,
Michael Leuschel,
Bern Martens:
Tutorial on Program Specialisation (Abstract).
ILPS 1995: 615-616 |
41 | | Michael Leuschel,
Danny De Schreye:
Towards Creating Specialised Integrity Checks through Partial Evaluation of Meta-Interpreters.
PEPM 1995: 253-263 |
40 | | Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
Representing Incomplete Knowledge in Abductive Logic Programming.
J. Log. Comput. 5(5): 553-577 (1995) |
39 | | Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye:
Why Untyped Nonground Metaprogramming Is Not (Much Of) A Problem.
J. Log. Program. 22(1): 47-99 (1995) |
38 | | Danny De Schreye,
Kristof Verschaetse:
Deriving Linear Size Relations for Logic Programs by Abstract Interpretation.
New Generation Comput. 13(2): 117-154 (1995) |
1994 |
37 | | Kristof Van Belleghem,
Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
Representing Continuous Change in the Abductive Event Calculus.
ICLP 1994: 225-239 |
36 | | Dmitri Boulanger,
Danny De Schreye:
Compiling Control Revisited: A New Approach based upon Abstract Interpretation.
ICLP 1994: 699-713 |
35 | | Kristof Van Belleghem,
Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
The Abductive Event Calculus as a General Framework for Temporal Databases.
ICTL 1994: 301-316 |
34 | | Henk Vandecasteele,
Danny De Schreye:
Implementing a Finite-domain CLP-language on Top of Prolog: a Transformational Approach.
LPAR 1994: 84-98 |
33 | | Danny De Schreye,
Stefaan Decorte:
Termination of Logic Programs: The Never-Ending Story.
J. Log. Program. 19/20: 199-260 (1994) |
32 | | Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
On the Duality of Abduction and Model Generation in a Framework for Model Generation with Equality.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 122(1&2): 225-262 (1994) |
31 | | Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye,
Tamás Horváth:
Sound and Complete Partial Deduction with Unfolding Based on Well-Founded Measures.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 122(1&2): 97-117 (1994) |
1993 |
30 | | Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
Representing Incomplete Knowledge in Abductive Logic Programming.
ILPS 1993: 147-163 |
29 | | Stefaan Decorte,
Danny De Schreye,
Massimo Fabris:
Automatic Inference of Norms: A Missing Link in Automatic Termination Analysis.
ILPS 1993: 420-436 |
28 | | Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye:
Some Further Issues in Finite Unfolding (Abstract).
LOPSTR 1993: 159-161 |
27 | | Dmitri Boulanger,
Maurice Bruynooghe,
Danny De Schreye:
Compiling Control Revisited: A New approach Based Upon Abstract Interpretation for Constraint Logic Programs.
LPE 1993: 39-51 |
26 | | Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
Justification Semantics: A Unifiying Framework for the Semantics of Logic Programs.
LPNMR 1993: 365-379 |
1992 |
25 | | Danny De Schreye,
Bern Martens:
A sensible least Herbrand semantics for untyped Vanilla meta-programming and its extension to a limited form of amalgamation.
CNKBS 1992: 49-51 |
24 | | Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
Sound and Complete Partial Deduction with Unfolding Based on Well-Founded Measures.
FGCS 1992: 473-480 |
23 | | Danny De Schreye,
Kristof Verschaetse,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
A Framework for Analyzing the Termination of Definite Logic Programs with respect to Call Patterns.
FGCS 1992: 481-488 |
22 | | Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
On the Duality of Abduction and Model Generation.
FGCS 1992: 650-657 |
21 | | Bern Martens,
Danny De Schreye:
A Perfect Herbrand Semantics for Untyped Vanilla Meta-Programming.
JICSLP 1992: 511-525 |
20 | | Marc Denecker,
Danny De Schreye:
SLDNFA: An Abductive Procedure for Normal Abductive Programs.
JICSLP 1992: 686-700 |
19 | | Kristof Verschaetse,
Stefaan Decorte,
Danny De Schreye:
Automatic Termination Analysis.
LOPSTR 1992: 168-183 |
18 | | Danny De Schreye,
Bern Martens:
A Sensible Least Herbrand Semantics for Untyped Vanilla Meta-Programming and its Extension to a Limited Form of Amalgamation.
META 1992: 192-204 |
17 | | Danny De Schreye,
Kristof Verschaetse:
Tutorial on Termination of Logic Programs.
META 1992: 70-88 |
16 | | Kristof Verschaetse,
Danny De Schreye:
Deriving of Linear Size Relations by Abstract Interpretation.
PLILP 1992: 296-310 |
15 | | Maurice Bruynooghe,
Danny De Schreye,
Bern Martens:
A General Criterion for Avoiding Infinite Unfolding during Partial Deduction.
New Generation Comput. 11(1): 47-79 (1992) |
1991 |
14 | | Kristof Verschaetse,
Danny De Schreye:
Deriving Termination Proofs for Logic Programs, Using Abstract Procedures.
ICLP 1991: 301-315 |
13 | | Maurice Bruynooghe,
Danny De Schreye,
Bern Martens:
A General Criterion for Avoiding Infinite Unfolding During Partial Deduction of Logic Programs.
ISLP 1991: 117-131 |
12 | | Danny De Schreye,
Bern Martens,
Gunther Sablon,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
Compiling Bottom-up and Mixed Derivations into Top-down Executable Logic Programs.
J. Autom. Reasoning 7(3): 337-358 (1991) |
1990 |
11 | | Danny De Schreye,
Dirk Pollet,
Johan Ronsyn,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
Implementing Finite-domain Constraint Logic Programming on Top of a Prolog-System with Delay-mechanism.
ESOP 1990: 106-117 |
10 | | Danny De Schreye,
Kristof Verschaetse,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
A Practical Technique for Detecting Non-terminating Queries for a Restricted Class of Horn Clauses, Using Directed, Weighted Graphs.
ICLP 1990: 649-663 |
9 | | Kristof Verschaetse,
Danny De Schreye,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
Generation and Compilation of Efficient Computation Rules.
ICLP 1990: 700-714 |
1989 |
8 | | Maurice Bruynooghe,
Danny De Schreye:
Some Thoughts on the Role of Examples in Program Transformation and its Relevance for Explanation-based Learning.
AII 1989: 60-77 |
7 | | Maurice Bruynooghe,
Luc De Raedt,
Danny De Schreye:
Explanation Based Program Transformation.
IJCAI 1989: 407-412 |
6 | | Danny De Schreye,
Maurice Bruynooghe,
Kristof Verschaetse:
On the Existence of Nonterminating Queries for a Restricted Class of PROLOG-Clauses.
Artif. Intell. 41(2): 237-248 (1989) |
5 | | Maurice Bruynooghe,
Danny De Schreye,
Bruno Krekels:
Compiling Control.
J. Log. Program. 6(1&2): 135-162 (1989) |
4 | | Danny De Schreye,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
On the Transformation of Logic Programs with Instantiation Based Computation Rules.
J. Symb. Comput. 7(2): 125-154 (1989) |
1988 |
3 | | Danny De Schreye,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
The Compilation of Forward Checking Regimes through Meta-Interpretation and Transformation.
META 1988: 217-231 |
2 | | Danny De Schreye,
Maurice Bruynooghe:
An Application of Abstract Interpretation in Source Level Program Transformation.
PLILP 1988: 35-57 |
1986 |
1 | | Maurice Bruynooghe,
Danny De Schreye,
Bruno Krekels:
Compiling Control.
SLP 1986: 70-77 |