
Lambert Schomaker

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28EEAxel Brink, Marius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: How much handwritten text is needed for text-independent writer verification and identification. ICPR 2008: 1-4
27EELambert Schomaker: Advances in Writer Identification and Verification. ICDAR 2007: 1268-1273
26EEMarius Bulacu, Rutger van Koert, Lambert Schomaker, Tijn van der Zant: Layout Analysis of Handwritten Historical Documents for Searching the Archive of the Cabinet of the Dutch Queen. ICDAR 2007: 357-361
25EELambert Schomaker: Retrieval of Handwritten Lines in Historical Documents. ICDAR 2007: 594-598
24EEMarius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker, Axel Brink: Text-Independent Writer Identification and Verification on Offline Arabic Handwriting. ICDAR 2007: 769-773
23EEAxel Brink, Lambert Schomaker, Marius Bulacu: Towards Explainable Writer Verification and Identification Using Vantage Writers. ICDAR 2007: 824-828
22EEMarius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: Automatic Handwriting Identification on Medieval Documents. ICIAP 2007: 279-284
21EEMarius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: Text-Independent Writer Identification and Verification Using Textural and Allographic Features. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(4): 701-717 (2007)
20EERalph Niels, Louis Vuurpijl, Lambert Schomaker: Automatic Allograph Matching in Forensic Writer Identification. IJPRAI 21(1): 61-81 (2007)
19EELambert Schomaker, Katrin Franke, Marius Bulacu: Using codebooks of fragmented connected-component contours in forensic and historic writer identification. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(6): 719-727 (2007)
18 Marius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: GRAWIS: Groningen Automatic Writer Identification System. BNAIC 2005: 413-414
17EEMarius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: A Comparison of Clustering Methods for Writer Identification and Verification. ICDAR 2005: 1275-1279
16EENobuo Ezaki, Kimiyasu Kiyota, Bui Truong Minh, Marius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: Improved Text-Detection Methods for a Camera-based Text Reading System for Blind Persons. ICDAR 2005: 257-261
15EEMarius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: Text-Pose Estimation in 3D Using Edge-Direction Distributions. ICIAR 2005: 625-634
14EENobuo Ezaki, Marius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: Text Detection from Natural Scene Images: Towards a System for Visually Impaired Persons. ICPR (2) 2004: 683-686
13EELambert Schomaker: Anticipation in cybernetic systems: a case against mindless anti-representationalism. SMC (2) 2004: 2037-2045
12EELambert Schomaker, Marius Bulacu: Automatic Writer Identification Using Connected-Component Contours and Edge-Based Features of Uppercase Western Script. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(6): 787-798 (2004)
11EEMarius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker: Writer Style from Oriented Edge Fragments. CAIP 2003: 460-469
10 Katrin Franke, Lambert Schomaker, Christian Veenhuis, C. Taubenheim, I. Guyon, Louis Vuurpijl, Merijn van Erp, G. Zwarts: WANDA: A generic Framework applied in Forensic Handwriting Analysis and Writer Identification. HIS 2003: 927-938
9EEMarius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker, Louis Vuurpijl: Writer Identification Using Edge-Based Directional Features. ICDAR 2003: 937-941
8 Lambert Schomaker, Marius Bulacu, Merijn van Erp: Sparse-parametric writer identification using heterogeneous feature groups. ICIP (1) 2003: 545-548
7EELouis Vuurpijl, Lambert Schomaker, Merijn van Erp: Architectures for detecting and solving conflicts: two-stage classification and support vector classifiers. IJDAR 5(4): 213-223 (2003)
6EELambert Schomaker, Louis Vuurpijl, Edward de Leau: New Use for the Pen: Outline-based Image Queries. ICDAR 1999: 293-296
5EEEduard Hoenkamp, Onno Stegeman, Lambert Schomaker: Supporting Content Retrieval from WWW via ``Basic Level Categories'' (poster abstract). SIGIR 1999: 311-312
4EELambert Schomaker, Edward de Leau, Louis Vuurpijl: Using Pen-Based Outlines for Object-Based Annotation and Image-Based Queries. VISUAL 1999: 585-592
3EELambert Schomaker, Eliane Segers: Finding features used in the human reading of cursive handwriting. IJDAR 2(1): 13-18 (1999)
2EELouis Vuurpijl, Lambert Schomaker: Finding structure in diversity: a hierarchical clustering method for the categorization of allographs in handwriting. ICDAR 1997: 387-
1EELambert Schomaker: Using stroke- or character-based self-organizing maps in the recognition of on-line, connected cursive script. Pattern Recognition 26(3): 443-450 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Axel Brink [23] [24] [28]
2Marius Bulacu [8] [9] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [28]
3Merijn van Erp [7] [8] [10]
4Nobuo Ezaki [14] [16]
5Katrin Franke [10] [19]
6I. Guyon [10]
7Eduard Hoenkamp [5]
8Kimiyasu Kiyota [16]
9Rutger van Koert [26]
10Edward de Leau [4] [6]
11Bui Truong Minh [16]
12Ralph Niels [20]
13Eliane Segers [3]
14Onno Stegeman [5]
15C. Taubenheim [10]
16Christian Veenhuis [10]
17Louis Vuurpijl [2] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [20]
18Tijn van der Zant [26]
19G. Zwarts [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)