
Martin Schmucker

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13EEHui Zhang, Martin Schmucker, Xiamu Niu: The Design and Application of PHABS: A Novel Benchmark Platform for Perceptual Hashing Algorithms. ICME 2007: 887-890
12EENicolas Scaringella, Martin Schmucker, Michael Arnold: Content Based Description of Audio in the Context of AXMEDIS. AXMEDIS 2006: 19-26
11EEKevin Hamon, Martin Schmucker, Xuebing Zhou: Histogram-Based Perceptual Hashing for Minimally Changing Video Sequences. AXMEDIS 2006: 236-241
10 Xuebing Zhou, Martin Schmucker, Christopher L. Brown: Video Perceptual Hashing Using Interframe Similarity. Sicherheit 2006: 107-110
9EEMartin Schmucker, Peter Ebinger: Promotional and Commercial Content Distribution Based on a Legal and Trusted P2P Framework. CEC 2005: 439-442
8EEXuebing Zhou, Martin Schmucker, Christopher L. Brown: Perceptual Hashing of Video Content Based on Differential Block Similarity. CIS (2) 2005: 80-85
7EEBian Yang, Martin Schmucker, Christoph Busch, Xiamu Niu, Sheng-He Sun: Approaching optimal value expansion for reversible watermarking. MM&Sec 2005: 95-102
6 Bian Yang, Martin Schmucker, Xiamu Niu, Christoph Busch, Sheng-He Sun: Integer-DCT-based reversible image watermarking by adaptive coefficient modification. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 218-229
5 Longjiang Yu, Martin Schmucker, Christoph Busch, Sheng-He Sun: Cumulant-based image fingerprints. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2005: 68-75
4 Jonathan Irons, Martin Schmucker: Fingerprinting of music scores. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2004: 192-199
3 Bian Yang, Martin Schmucker, Wolfgang Funk, Christoph Busch, Sheng-He Sun: Integer DCT-based reversible watermarking for images using companding technique. Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 2004: 405-415
2EEMichel Girer, Bernhard Gunther, Martin Schmucker, Francesco Spadoni: MPEG-21 and Music Notation Applications. WEDELMUSIC 2004: 28-35
1 Michael Arnold, Christoph Busch, Martin Schmucker: Szenario-basierte Testverfahren zur Zertifizierung von Wasserzeichen. GI Jahrestagung (Schwerpunkt "Sicherheit - Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit") 2003: 215-226

Coauthor Index

1Michael Arnold [1] [12]
2Christopher L. Brown [8] [10]
3Christoph Busch [1] [3] [5] [6] [7]
4Peter Ebinger [9]
5Wolfgang Funk [3]
6Michel Girer [2]
7Bernhard Gunther [2]
8Kevin Hamon [11]
9Jonathan Irons [4]
10Xiamu Niu [6] [7] [13]
11Nicolas Scaringella [12]
12Francesco Spadoni [2]
13Sheng-He Sun [3] [5] [6] [7]
14Bian Yang [3] [6] [7]
15Longjiang Yu [5]
16Hui Zhang [13]
17Xuebing Zhou [8] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)