
Heinz Schmidt

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5EEJohan Fredriksson, Thomas Nolte, Mikael Nolin, Heinz Schmidt: Contract-Based ReusableWorst-Case Execution Time Estimate. RTCSA 2007: 39-46
4EESusan Entwisle, Heinz Schmidt, Ian Peake, Elizabeth A. Kendall: A Model Driven Exception Management Framework for Developing Reliable Software Systems. EDOC 2006: 307-318
3 Bertrand Meyer, Christine Mingins, Heinz Schmidt: Providing Trusted Components to the Industry. IEEE Computer 31(5): 104-105 (1998)
2 Heinz Schmidt: Object-Oriented Programming: The Language Landscape. TOOLS (12/9) 1993: 331
1 Hans F. de Groote, Joos Heintz, Stefan Möhler, Heinz Schmidt: On the Complexity of Lie Algebras. FCT 1987: 172-179

Coauthor Index

1Susan Entwisle [4]
2Johan Fredriksson [5]
3Hans F. de Groote [1]
4Joos Heintz [1]
5Elizabeth A. Kendall [4]
6Bertrand Meyer [3]
7Christine Mingins [3]
8Stefan Möhler [1]
9Mikael Nolin [5]
10Thomas Nolte [5]
11Ian Peake [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)