
H. Schmidt

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7EEC. Gloaguen, F. Fleischer, H. Schmidt, V. Schmidt: Fitting of stochastic telecommunication network models via distance measures and Monte-Carlo tests. Telecommunication Systems 31(4): 353-377 (2006)
6EEH. Schmidt, G. Thierauf: A combined heuristic optimization technique. Advances in Engineering Software 36(1): 11-19 (2005)
5 H. Schmidt, D. Fuchs: PACS: Looking Back into the Futur. EuroPACS 2000: 46-54
4 H. Elbern, H. Schmidt, O. Talagrand, Adolf Ebel: 4D-variational data assimilation with an adjoint air quality model for emission analysis. Environmental Modelling and Software 15(6-7): 539-548 (2000)
3 Jose Libano Alonso, H. Schmidt, Vassil N. Alexandrov: Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithms for Integer and Mixed Integer Linear Programming Problems under PVM. PVM/MPI 1997: 313-320
2 E. Aust, H.-R. Niemann, G. F. Schultheiß, D. Markfort, E. Brütsch, H. Schmidt: Anpassung eines Roboterteilsystems für den Seewassereinsatz und Erprobung bis 1100 m Wassertiefe. Robotersysteme 5: 233-237 (1989)
1 H. Schmidt: Mikroprozessoren in der Elektroausbildung. INFOS 1986: 147

Coauthor Index

1Vassil N. Alexandrov [3]
2Jose Libano Alonso [3]
3E. Aust [2]
4E. Brütsch [2]
5Adolf Ebel [4]
6H. Elbern [4]
7F. Fleischer [7]
8D. Fuchs [5]
9C. Gloaguen [7]
10D. Markfort [2]
11H.-R. Niemann [2]
12V. Schmidt [7]
13G. F. Schultheiß [2]
14O. Talagrand [4]
15G. Thierauf [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)