
Christian Schindler

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5EEChristian Schindler, Pranjal Arya, Andreas Rath, Wolfgang Slany: htmlButler - Wrapper Usability Enhancement through Ontology Sharing and Large Scale Cooperation. Adaptive and Personalized Semantic Web 2006: 85-94
4 Pranjal Arya, Christian Schindler, Wolfgang Slany: Human-Agent interaction in the light of ontology sharing and large scale cooperation. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 158-161
3EEMatthias T. Jung, Uwe Kastens, Christian Schindler, Carsten Schmidt: Visual Patterns in the VLEli System. CC 2001: 361-364
2EEMatthias T. Jung, Uwe Kastens, Christian Schindler, Carsten Schmidt: A Pattern-Based Generator for Implementation of Visual Languages. VL 2000: 71-72
1EEChristian Schindler: Constructible hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics 91(2): 183-191 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Pranjal Arya [4] [5]
2Matthias T. Jung [2] [3]
3Uwe Kastens [2] [3]
4Andreas Rath [5]
5Carsten Schmidt [2] [3]
6Wolfgang Slany [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)