
Anne Schiller

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6EEAnne Schiller: German Compound Analysis with wfsc. FSMNLP 2005: 239-246
5EECaroline Hagège, Ágnes Sándor, Anne Schiller: Linguistic Processing of Biomedical Texts. PorTAL 2002: 197-208
4 Anne Schiller: Derivationsmorphologie in einem Übersetzungssystem IWBS Report 235: (1992)
3 Anne Schiller, Petra Steffens: Morphological Processing in the Two-Level Paradigm. Text Understanding in LILOG 1991: 112-126
2 Anne Schiller, Petra Steffens: A Two-Level Environment for Morphological Descriptions. GWAI 1990: 211-220
1 Anne Schiller, Petra Steffens: A Two-Level Environment for Morphological Descriptions and its Application to Problems of German Inflectional Morphology. Terminology and Knowledge Engineering (Vol. 1) 1990: 318-329

Coauthor Index

1Caroline Hagège [5]
2Ágnes Sándor [5]
3Petra Steffens [1] [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)