
Matthias Scherf

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6 Matthias Scherf, Anton Epple, Thomas Werner: The next generation of literature analysis: Integration of genomic analysis into text mining. Briefings in Bioinformatics 6(3): 287-297 (2005)
5 Matthias Scherf: A New Approach to Feature Selection. AIME 1997: 181-184
4 Gudrun Zahlmann, Matthias Scherf, Aharon Wegner: A Neuro-Fuzzy-Classifier for a Knowledge-Based Glaucoma Monitor. AIME 1997: 273-284
3 Matthias Scherf, Wilfried Brauer: Improving RBF Networks by the Feature Selection Approach EUBAFES. ICANN 1997: 391-396
2 Gudrun Zahlmann, Matthias Scherf, Aharon Wegner: Einsatz eines Neuro-Fuzzy-Klassifikators beim Glaukom-Monitoring. KI 11(4): 65-66 (1997)
1 Rolf Engelbrecht, Thomas Waschulzik, Wilfried Brauer, Matthias Scherf: The structured development method SENN for freeforward neural networks and the application to the multimedia patient record in the Bavarian Health Net. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 163-172

Coauthor Index

1Wilfried Brauer [1] [3]
2Rolf Engelbrecht [1]
3Anton Epple [6]
4Thomas Waschulzik [1]
5Aharon Wegner [2] [4]
6Thomas Werner [6]
7Gudrun Zahlmann [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)