
Roger R. Schell

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10EEPaul A. Karger, Roger R. Schell: Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation. ACSAC 2002: 119-148
9EERoger R. Schell: Information Security: Science, Pseudoscience, and Flying Pigs. ACSAC 2001: 205-218
8 James P. Anderson, Sheila Brand, Li Gong, Thomas Haigh, Steven B. Lipner, Teresa F. Lunt, Ruth Nelson, William Neugent, Hilarie K. Orman, Marcus J. Ranum, Roger R. Schell, Eugene H. Spafford: Firewalls: An Expert Roundtable. IEEE Software 14(5): 60-66 (1997)
7EERoger R. Schell, David Bailey: Taschenlexicon sicherheit der informationstechnik : by Dr. Hartmut Pohl with assistance from Ludger Hutte and Ursula Weiler, DATAKONTEXT-VERLAG Gmbh, Postfach 400253, D-5000 Koln 40, F.R.G., ISBN 3-89209-000-9, 1989. Computers & Security 9(5): 459-460 (1990)
6EETeresa F. Lunt, Dorothy E. Denning, Roger R. Schell, Mark Heckman, William R. Shockley: The SeaView Security Model. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(6): 593-607 (1990)
5 Dorothy E. Denning, Teresa F. Lunt, Roger R. Schell, Mark Heckman, William R. Shockley: A Multilevel Relational Data Model. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1987: 220-234
4 Dorothy E. Denning, Selim G. Akl, Mark Heckman, Teresa F. Lunt, Matthew Morgenstern, Peter G. Neumann, Roger R. Schell: Views for Multilevel Database Security. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(2): 129-140 (1987)
3 Dorothy E. Denning, Selim G. Akl, Matthew Morgenstern, Peter G. Neumann, Roger R. Schell, Mark Heckman: Views for Multilevel Database Security. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1986: 156-172
2 M. Schaefer, Roger R. Schell: Toward an Understanding of Extensible Architectures for Evaluated Trusted Computer System Products. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1984: 41-51
1 Roger R. Schell: Evaluating Security Properties of Computer Systems. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1983: 89-95

Coauthor Index

1Selim G. Akl [3] [4]
2James P. Anderson [8]
3David Bailey [7]
4Sheila Brand [8]
5Dorothy E. Denning [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Li Gong [8]
7Thomas Haigh [8]
8Mark Heckman [3] [4] [5] [6]
9Paul A. Karger [10]
10Steven B. Lipner [8]
11Teresa F. Lunt [4] [5] [6] [8]
12Matthew Morgenstern [3] [4]
13Ruth Nelson [8]
14William Neugent [8]
15Peter G. Neumann [3] [4]
16Hilarie K. Orman [8]
17Marcus J. Ranum [8]
18M. Schaefer [2]
19William R. Shockley [5] [6]
20Eugene H. Spafford [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)