
Driss Sbibih

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7EEBachir Belkhatir, Driss Sbibih, Ahmed Zidna: G1 Blending B-Spline Surfaces and Optimization. MCO 2008: 458-467
6EEAbdelleh Lamnii, Hamid Mraoui, Driss Sbibih, Ahmed Tijini, Ahmed Zidna: Spline collocation method for solving linear sixth-order boundary-value problems. Int. J. Comput. Math. 85(11): 1673-1684 (2008)
5EEBrahim Amaziane, Domingo Barrera, Driss Sbibih: Preface. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 77(2-3): 141 (2008)
4EEEl Bachir Ameur, Domingo Barrera, María J. Ibáñez, Driss Sbibih: Near-best operators based on a I quartic spline on the uniform four-directional mesh. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 77(2-3): 151-160 (2008)
3EEAbdelleh Lamnii, Hamid Mraoui, Driss Sbibih, Ahmed Tijini: Sextic spline solution of fifth-order boundary value problems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 77(2-3): 237-246 (2008)
2EEA. Mazroui, Driss Sbibih, Ahmed Tijini: A simple method for smoothing functions and compressing Hermite data. Adv. Comput. Math. 23(3): 279-297 (2005)
1EEO. Nouisser, Driss Sbibih, Paul Sablonnière: Pairs of B-Splines with Small Support on the Four-Directional Mesh Generating a Partition of Unity. Adv. Comput. Math. 21(3-4): 317-355 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Brahim Amaziane [5]
2El Bachir Ameur [4]
3Domingo Barrera [4] [5]
4Bachir Belkhatir [7]
5María J. Ibáñez [4]
6Abdelleh Lamnii [3] [6]
7A. Mazroui [2]
8Hamid Mraoui [3] [6]
9O. Nouisser [1]
10Paul Sablonnière [1]
11Ahmed Tijini [2] [3] [6]
12Ahmed Zidna [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)