
Scott Sayre

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4 Scott Sayre: Multimedia that matters: Gallery-based technology and the museum visitor. First Monday 10(5): (2005)
3EERobin Dowden, Scott Sayre, Steve Dietz: ArtsConnectEd: Collaboration in the Integration and Access to Museum Resources. First Monday 5(6): (2000)
2 Scott Sayre: Cinematic Imaging of Works of Art - Exploring the Advantages of Computer Simulated Camera Techniques. ICHIM, Multimedia Computing and Museums 1995: 177-186
1 Scott Sayre: The Evolution of Interactive Interpretive Media: A Report on Discovery and Progress at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. ICHIM 1993: 41-51

Coauthor Index

1Steve Dietz [3]
2Robin Dowden [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)