
Shunji Satoh

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10EEShunji Satoh, Shiro Usui: Engineering-Approach Accelerates Computational Understanding of V1-V2 Neural Properties. ICONIP (1) 2007: 1051-1060
9EEShunji Satoh, Shiro Usui: Computational Understanding and Modeling of Filling-In Process at the Blind Spot. ICONIP (1) 2007: 943-952
8EEShunji Satoh: A visual model for object detection based on active contours and level-set method. Biological Cybernetics 95(3): 259-270 (2006)
7EEShunji Satoh, Shogo Miyake: A model of overt visual attention based on scale-space theory. Systems and Computers in Japan 35(10): 1-13 (2004)
6EEShunji Satoh, Shogo Miyake: A Model for Selective Visual Attention Based on Discrete Scale-Spaces. KES 2003: 147-154
5EEMasao Shimomura, Shunji Satoh, Shogo Miyake, Hirotomo Aso: A Neural Network Model for Pattern Recognition Based on Hypothesis and Verification with Moving Region of Attention. ICANN 2002: 1275-1280
4EEShunji Satoh, Shogo Miyake, Hirotomo Aso: Neocognitron-Type Network for Recognizing Rotated and Shifted Patterns with Reduction of Resources. IWANN (1) 2001: 215-222
3 Shunji Satoh, Hirotomo Aso, Shogo Miyake, Jousuke Kuroiwa: Pattern Recognition System with Top-Down Process of Mental Rotation. IWANN (1) 1999: 816-825
2EEShunji Satoh, Jousuke Kuroiwa, Hirotomo Aso, Shogo Miyake: A rotation-invariant neocognitron. Systems and Computers in Japan 30(4): 31-40 (1999)
1 Shunji Satoh, Jousuke Kuroiwa, Hirotomo Aso, Shogo Miyake: Recognition of Hand Written Patterns by Rotation-Invariant Neocognitron. ICONIP 1998: 295-299

Coauthor Index

1Hirotomo Aso [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Jousuke Kuroiwa [1] [2] [3]
3Shogo Miyake [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Masao Shimomura [5]
5Shiro Usui [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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