
Iwao Sato

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31EEIwao Sato: Weighted Bartholdi zeta functions of graph coverings. Discrete Mathematics 308(12): 2600-2606 (2008)
30EEIwao Sato: Zeta functions and complexities of a semiregular bipartite graph and its line graph. Discrete Mathematics 307(2): 237-245 (2007)
29EEIwao Sato: Bartholdi Zeta Functions for Hypergraphs. Electr. J. Comb. 14(1): (2007)
28EEJin Ho Kwak, Yong Sung Park, Iwao Sato: Weighted complexities of graph products and bundles. Eur. J. Comb. 28(1): 228-245 (2007)
27EEAiping Deng, Iwao Sato, Yaokun Wu: Characteristic polynomials of ramified uniform covering digraphs. Eur. J. Comb. 28(4): 1099-1114 (2007)
26 Iwao Sato, Jaeun Lee: Isomorphisms of Connected Cyclic Abelian Covers of Symmetric Digraphs. Ars Comb. 80: (2006)
25 Iwao Sato: Edge Zeta Functions Of Graph Coverings. Ars Comb. 81: (2006)
24EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Bartholdi zeta functions of some graphs. Discrete Mathematics 306(2): 220-230 (2006)
23EEIwao Sato: Weighted Zeta Functions of Graph Coverings. Electr. J. Comb. 13(1): (2006)
22EEIwao Sato: Weighted Bartholdi zeta functions of graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 27(5): 644-657 (2006)
21EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Bartholdi zeta functions of line graphs and middle graphs of graph coverings. Discrete Mathematics 292(1-3): 143-157 (2005)
20EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Zeta functions of oriented line graphs of graph coverings. Discrete Mathematics 303(1-3): 131-141 (2005)
19EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Some L-Function of a Regular Covering of a Graph. Graphs and Combinatorics 20(3): 363-375 (2004)
18EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Weighted zeta functions of graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 91(2): 169-183 (2004)
17EEIwao Sato: Decomposition formulas of zeta functions of graphs and digraphs. Discrete Mathematics 263(1-3): 305-309 (2003)
16EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: L-functions of regular coverings of graphs. Eur. J. Comb. 24(3): 321-329 (2003)
15EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Bartholdi zeta functions of digraphs. Eur. J. Comb. 24(8): 947-954 (2003)
14EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: The semicircle law for semiregular bipartite graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 101(2): 174-190 (2003)
13EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: On the weighted complexity of a regular covering of a graph. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 89(1): 17-26 (2003)
12EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Bartholdi zeta functions of graph coverings. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 89(1): 27-41 (2003)
11EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: L-functions for images of graph coverings by some operations. Discrete Mathematics 256(1-2): 335-347 (2002)
10 Iwao Sato: Isomorphisms of Cyclic Abelian Covers of Symmetric Digraphs, III. Ars Comb. 61: (2001)
9EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Zeta Functions of Graph Coverings. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 80(2): 247-257 (2000)
8 Hirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Isomorphisms of Cyclic Abelian Covers of Symmetric Digraphs. Ars Comb. 54: (1999)
7 Hirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Characteristic Polynomials of some covers of symmetric digraphs. Ars Comb. 45: (1997)
6EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Enumeration of finite field labels on graphs. Discrete Mathematics 176(1-3): 197-202 (1997)
5EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Characteristic polynomials of some graph coverings. Discrete Mathematics 142(1-3): 295-298 (1995)
4EEIwao Sato: Isomorphisms of some graph coverings. Discrete Mathematics 128(1-3): 317-326 (1994)
3EEIwao Sato: Enumeration of packed graphs. Discrete Mathematics 82(3): 331-333 (1990)
2EEHirobumi Mizuno, Iwao Sato: Ramsey numbers for unions of some cycles. Discrete Mathematics 69(3): 283-294 (1988)
1EEIwao Sato: Clique graphs of packed graphs. Discrete Mathematics 62(1): 107-109 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Aiping Deng [27]
2Jin Ho Kwak [28]
3Jaeun Lee [26]
4Hirobumi Mizuno [2] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24]
5Yong Sung Park [28]
6Yaokun Wu [27]

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