
Subhash C. Sarin

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13EESubhash C. Sarin, Balaji Nagarajan, Sanjay Jain, Lingrui Liao: Analytic evaluation of the expectation and variance of different performance measures of a schedule on a single machine under processing time variability. J. Comb. Optim. 17(4): 400-416 (2009)
12EEYuval Cohen, Gad Vitner, Subhash C. Sarin: Work allocation to stations with varying learning slopes and without buffers. European Journal of Operational Research 184(2): 797-801 (2008)
11EEYuval Cohen, Ezey M. Dar-El, Gad Vitner, Subhash C. Sarin: Allocation of work to the stations of an assembly line with buffers between stations and three general learning patterns. IJISTA 4(1/2): 123-140 (2008)
10EEYuval Cohen, Ezey M. Dar-El, Gad Vitner, Subhash C. Sarin: Optimal layout and work allocation in batch assembly under learning effect. IJISTA 4(1/2): 188-207 (2008)
9EESubhash C. Sarin, Vinod D. Shenai, Lixin Wang: Releasing and Scheduling of Lots in a Wafer Fab. AAIM 2007: 108-119
8EEHanif D. Sherali, Subhash C. Sarin, Pei-Fang Tsai: A class of lifted path and flow-based formulations for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem with and without precedence constraints. Discrete Optimization 3(1): 20-32 (2006)
7EESubhash C. Sarin, Michael P. Greco, Ezey M. Dar-El: Sequencing and loading of products on a flowline. European Journal of Operational Research 168(3): 905-921 (2006)
6EEYuval Cohen, Gad Vitner, Subhash C. Sarin: Optimal allocation of work in assembly lines for lots with homogenous learning. European Journal of Operational Research 168(3): 922-931 (2006)
5EEYossi Bukchin, Subhash C. Sarin: Discrete and dynamic versus continuous and static loading policy for a multi-compartment vehicle. European Journal of Operational Research 174(2): 1329-1337 (2006)
4EESubhash C. Sarin, Yuqiang Wang, Dae B. Chang: A Schedule Algebra Based Approach to Determine the K-Best Solutions of a Knapsack Problem with a Single Constraint. AAIM 2005: 440-449
3EESubhash C. Sarin, Hanif D. Sherali, Ajay Bhootra: New tighter polynomial length formulations for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem with and without precedence constraints. Oper. Res. Lett. 33(1): 62-70 (2005)
2EESubhash C. Sarin, Divya Prakash: Equal Processing Time Bicriteria Scheduling on Parallel Machines. J. Comb. Optim. 8(3): 227-240 (2004)
1EEAdar A. Kalir, Subhash C. Sarin: Constructing Near Optimal Schedules for the Flow-Shop Lot Streaming Problem with Sublot-Attached Setups. J. Comb. Optim. 7(1): 23-44 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Ajay Bhootra [3]
2Yossi Bukchin [5]
3Dae B. Chang [4]
4Yuval Cohen [6] [10] [11] [12]
5Ezey M. Dar-El [7] [10] [11]
6Michael P. Greco [7]
7Sanjay Jain [13]
8Adar A. Kalir [1]
9Lingrui Liao [13]
10Balaji Nagarajan [13]
11Divya Prakash [2]
12Vinod D. Shenai [9]
13Hanif D. Sherali [3] [8]
14Pei-Fang Tsai [8]
15Gad Vitner [6] [10] [11] [12]
16Lixin Wang [9]
17Yuqiang Wang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)