
Anargyros Sarafopoulos

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4EEAnargyros Sarafopoulos, Bernard Buxton: Empirical Comparison of Evolutionary Representations of the Inverse Problem for Iterated Function Systems. EuroGP 2007: 68-77
3EEAnargyros Sarafopoulos: Evolution of Affine Transformations and Iterated Function Systems Using Hierarchical Evolution Strategy. EuroGP 2001: 176-191
2 David Griffiths, Anargyros Sarafopoulos: Evolving Behavioural Animation Systems. Artificial Evolution 1999: 217-227
1EEAnargyros Sarafopoulos: Automatic Generation of Affine IFS and Strongly Typed Genetic Programming. EuroGP 1999: 149-160

Coauthor Index

1Bernard Buxton [4]
2David Griffiths [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)