
Murat Saraclar

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13EEHasim Sak, Tunga Güngör, Murat Saraclar: Turkish Language Resources: Morphological Parser, Morphological Disambiguator and Web Corpus. GoTAL 2008: 417-427
12EEHasim Sak, Tunga Güngör, Murat Saraclar: Morphological Disambiguation of Turkish Text with Perceptron Algorithm. CICLing 2007: 107-118
11EEMathias Creutz, Teemu Hirsimäki, Mikko Kurimo, Antti Puurula, Janne Pylkkönen, Vesa Siivola, Matti Varjokallio, Ebru Arisoy, Murat Saraclar, Andreas Stolcke: Analysis of Morph-Based Speech Recognition and the Modeling of Out-of-Vocabulary Words Across Languages. HLT-NAACL 2007: 380-387
10EEZhu Liu, Murat Saraclar: Speaker Segmentation and Adaptation for Speech Recognition on Multiple-Speaker Audio Conference Data. ICME 2007: 192-195
9EEBrian Roark, Murat Saraclar, Michael Collins: Discriminative n-gram language modeling. Computer Speech & Language 21(2): 373-392 (2007)
8EEMathias Creutz, Teemu Hirsimäki, Mikko Kurimo, Antti Puurula, Janne Pylkkönen, Vesa Siivola, Matti Varjokallio, Ebru Arisoy, Murat Saraclar, Andreas Stolcke: Morph-based speech recognition and modeling of out-of-vocabulary words across languages. TSLP 5(1): (2007)
7EEMikko Kurimo, Antti Puurula, Ebru Arisoy, Vesa Siivola, Teemu Hirsimäki, Janne Pylkkönen, Tanel Alumäe, Murat Saraclar: Unlimited vocabulary speech recognition for agglutinative languages. HLT-NAACL 2006
6EEMurat Saraclar, Brian Roark: Utterance classification with discriminative language modeling. Speech Communication 48(3-4): 276-287 (2006)
5EEMichael Collins, Brian Roark, Murat Saraclar: Discriminative Syntactic Language Modeling for Speech Recognition. ACL 2005
4EEBrian Roark, Murat Saraclar, Michael Collins, Mark Johnson: Discriminative Language Modeling with Conditional Random Fields and the Perceptron Algorithm. ACL 2004: 47-54
3EEMurat Saraclar, Richard Sproat: Lattice-Based Search for Spoken Utterance Retrieval. HLT-NAACL 2004: 129-136
2EEAndrej Ljolje, Vincent Goffin, Murat Saraclar: Low Latency Real-Time Vocal Tract Length Normalization. TSD 2004: 371-378
1EEMurat Saraclar, Sanjeev Khudanpur: Pronunciation change in conversational speech and its implications for automatic speech recognition. Computer Speech & Language 18(4): 375-395 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Tanel Alumäe [7]
2Ebru Arisoy [7] [8] [11]
3Michael Collins [4] [5] [9]
4Mathias Creutz [8] [11]
5Vincent Goffin [2]
6Tunga Güngör [12] [13]
7Teemu Hirsimäki [7] [8] [11]
8Mark Johnson [4]
9Sanjeev Khudanpur [1]
10Mikko Kurimo [7] [8] [11]
11Zhu Liu [10]
12Andrej Ljolje [2]
13Antti Puurula [7] [8] [11]
14Janne Pylkkönen [7] [8] [11]
15Brian Roark [4] [5] [6] [9]
16Hasim Sak [12] [13]
17Vesa Siivola [7] [8] [11]
18Richard Sproat [3]
19Andreas Stolcke [8] [11]
20Matti Varjokallio [8] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)