
Silvina Santana

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5 Ana Dias, Silvina Santana, Alexandra Queirós, Nelson Pacheco da Rocha: The supporting role of technology in the provision of care, inhibitors and facilitators in its implementation: a case study. IADIS AC 2005: 435-438
4EESilvina Santana: Inserting ICT and IS in a complex organisational environment using an organisational learning model. ECIS 2004
3 Silvina Santana, Alexander Silva: Accessing Hypermedia Systems Efectiveness in Learning Contexts. ICEIS (5) 2004: 250-253
2 Silvina Santana, Nelson Pacheco da Rocha: Telework: Employment Opportunities for a Disabled Citizen. ICEIS (3) 2003: 441-446
1 Silvina Santana: The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies in Small and Medium Enterprises. ICEIS (3) 2003: 637-641

Coauthor Index

1Ana Dias [5]
2Alexandra Queirós [5]
3Nelson Pacheco da Rocha [2] [5]
4Alexander Silva [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)