
Eric Sanlaville

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9EEJean Damay, Alain Quilliot, Eric Sanlaville: Linear programming based algorithms for preemptive and non-preemptive RCPSP. European Journal of Operational Research 182(3): 1012-1022 (2007)
8EEEric Sanlaville: Sensitivity bounds for machine scheduling with uncertain communication delays. J. Scheduling 8(5): 461-473 (2005)
7EEEmmanuel Poder, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Eric Sanlaville: Computing a lower approximation of the compulsory part of a task with varying duration and varying resource consumption. European Journal of Operational Research 153(1): 239-254 (2004)
6EEFrédéric Guinand, Aziz Moukrim, Eric Sanlaville: Sensitivity analysis of tree scheduling on two machines with communication delays. Parallel Computing 30(1): 103-120 (2004)
5EEAziz Moukrim, Eric Sanlaville, Frédéric Guinand: Scheduling with Communication Delays and On-Line Disturbances. Euro-Par 1999: 350-357
4EEEric Sanlaville, Günter Schmidt: Machine Scheduling with Availability Constraints. Acta Inf. 35(9): 795-811 (1998)
3 Zhen Liu, Eric Sanlaville: Stochastic Scheduling with Variable Profile and Precedence Constraints. SIAM J. Comput. 26(1): 173-187 (1997)
2EEEric Sanlaville: Nearly on Line Scheduling of Preemptive Independent Tasks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 57(2-3): 229-241 (1995)
1EEZhen Liu, Eric Sanlaville: Preemptive Scheduling with Variable Profile, Precedence Constraints and Due Dates. Discrete Applied Mathematics 58(3): 253-280 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Nicolas Beldiceanu [7]
2Jean Damay [9]
3Frédéric Guinand [5] [6]
4Zhen Liu [1] [3]
5Aziz Moukrim [5] [6]
6Emmanuel Poder [7]
7Alain Quilliot [9]
8Günter Schmidt [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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