
Kristian Sandahl

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16EEMikael Patel, Andreas Borg, Kristian Sandahl: A case study in assessing and improving capacity using an anatomy of good practice. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 509-512
15EEMikael Patel, Andreas Borg, Kristian Sandahl: A case study in assessing and improving capacity using an anatomy of good practice. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 509-512
14EEAndreas Borg, Mikael Patel, Kristian Sandahl: Extending the OpenUP/Basic Requirements Discipline to Specify Capacity Requirements. RE 2007: 328-333
13EEAndreas Borg, Mikael Patel, Kristian Sandahl: Integrating an Improvement Model of Handling Capacity Requirements with the OpenUP/Basic Process. REFSQ 2007: 341-354
12EETony Gorschek, Mikael Svahnberg, Andreas Borg, Annabella Loconsole, Jürgen Börstler, Kristian Sandahl, Magnus Eriksson: A controlled empirical evaluation of a requirements abstraction model. Information & Software Technology 49(7): 790-805 (2007)
11EEAndreas Borg, Mikael Patel, Kristian Sandahl: Good Practice and Improvement Model of Handling Capacity Requirements of Large Telecommunication Systems. RE 2006: 240-245
10 Yuxiao Zhao, Kristian Sandahl: Potential Advantages of Semantic Web for Internet Commerce. ICEIS (4) 2003: 151-160
9EEJohan Moe, Kristian Sandahl: Using Execution Trace Data to Improve Distributed Systems. ICSM 2002: 640-648
8EEPär Carlshamre, Kristian Sandahl, Mikael Lindvall, Björn Regnell, Johan Natt och Dag: An Industrial Survey of Requirements Interdependencies in Software Product Release Plannin. RE 2001: 84-93
7 Yuxiao Zhao, Kristian Sandahl: XML-Based Frameworks for Internet Commerce. ICEIS 2000: 511-518
6EEKristian Sandahl, Ola Blomkvist, Joachim Karlsson, Christian Krysander, Mikael Lindvall, Niclas Ohlsson: An Extended Replication of an Experiment for Assessing Methods for Software Requirements Inspections. Empirical Software Engineering 3(4): 327-354 (1998)
5EEMikael Lindvall, Kristian Sandahl: Traceability aspects of impact analysis in object-oriented systems. Journal of Software Maintenance 10(1): 37-57 (1998)
4EEMikael Lindvall, Kristian Sandahl: How well do experienced software developers predict software change? Journal of Systems and Software 43(1): 19-27 (1998)
3 Mikael Lindvall, Kristian Sandahl: Practical Implications of Traceability. Softw., Pract. Exper. 26(10): 1161-1180 (1996)
2 Kristian Sandahl: Developing Knowledge-Based Systems with Active Expert Participation. SEKE 1993: 589-595
1 Henrik Eriksson, Kristian Sandahl: Knowledge-Based Planning of Experiments in a Biochemical Domain: Membrane Protein Purification. SCAI 1989: 443-452

Coauthor Index

1Ola Blomkvist [6]
2Andreas Borg [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
3Jürgen Börstler [12]
4Pär Carlshamre [8]
5Johan Natt och Dag [8]
6Henrik Eriksson [1]
7Magnus Eriksson [12]
8Tony Gorschek [12]
9Joachim Karlsson [6]
10Christian Krysander [6]
11Mikael Lindvall [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
12Annabella Loconsole [12]
13Johan Moe [9]
14Niclas Ohlsson [6]
15Mikael Patel [11] [13] [14] [15] [16]
16Björn Regnell [8]
17Mikael Svahnberg [12]
18Yuxiao Zhao [7] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)