
Elie Sanchez

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10EESilvia Calegari, Elie Sanchez: Object-fuzzy concept network: An enrichment of ontologies in semantic information retrieval. JASIST 59(13): 2171-2185 (2008)
9EESilvia Calegari, Elie Sanchez: A Fuzzy Ontology-Approach to improve Semantic Information Retrieval. URSW 2007
8EEElie Sanchez, Takahiro Yamanoi: D'Amico Fuzzy Ontologies for the Semantic Web. FQAS 2006: 691-699
7EETakahiro Yamanoi, Masaaki Saito, Michio Sugeno, Elie Sanchez: Difference in Areas of the Brain for Fuzzy and Crisp Calculation. JACIII 6(1): 51-55 (2002)
6 Elie Sanchez: Soft Computing Perspective. ISMVL 1994: 276-281
5EEAntonio di Nola, Witold Pedrycz, Salvatore Sessa, Elie Sanchez: Designing of classification procedures with the use of equality and difference operators. Pattern Recognition 23(8): 911-917 (1990)
4 Elie Sanchez: Importance in Knowledge systems. Inf. Syst. 14(6): 455-464 (1989)
3 Robert Bartolin, Vincent Bonniol, Elie Sanchez: Inflammatory Protein Variations: Medical Knowledge Representation and Approximate Reasoning. IPMU 1988: 306-313
2EEElie Sanchez: On possibility qualification in natural languages. Inf. Sci. 15(1): 45-76 (1978)
1 Elie Sanchez: Resolution of Composite Fuzzy Relation Equations Information and Control 30(1): 38-48 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Robert Bartolin [3]
2Vincent Bonniol [3]
3Silvia Calegari [9] [10]
4Antonio di Nola [5]
5Witold Pedrycz [5]
6Masaaki Saito [7]
7Salvatore Sessa [5]
8Michio Sugeno [7]
9Takahiro Yamanoi [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)