
Horst Samulowitz

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8 Horst Samulowitz, Roland Memisevic: Learning to Solve QBF. AAAI 2007: 255-260
7EELucas Bordeaux, Horst Samulowitz: On the stochastic constraint satisfaction framework. SAC 2007: 316-320
6EEHorst Samulowitz, Fahiem Bacchus: Dynamically Partitioning for Solving QBF. SAT 2007: 215-229
5EEHorst Samulowitz, Jessica Davies, Fahiem Bacchus: Preprocessing QBF. CP 2006: 514-529
4EEHorst Samulowitz, Fahiem Bacchus: Binary Clause Reasoning in QBF. SAT 2006: 353-367
3EEHorst Samulowitz, Fahiem Bacchus: Using SAT in QBF. CP 2005: 578-592
2EEWalter Oberschelp, Alexander Hornung, Horst Samulowitz: Visualization of eclipses and planetary conjunction events. The interplay between model coherence, scaling and animation. The Visual Computer 17(5): 310-317 (2001)
1EEWalter Oberschelp, Alexander Hornung, Horst Samulowitz: Visualization of Eclipses and Planetary Conjunction Events: The Interplay between Model Coherence, Scaling and Animation. Computer Graphics International 2000: 81-

Coauthor Index

1Fahiem Bacchus [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Lucas Bordeaux [7]
3Jessica Davies [5]
4Alexander Hornung [1] [2]
5Roland Memisevic [8]
6Walter Oberschelp [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)