
A. Dain Samples

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6 A. Dain Samples: Compiler Implementation of ADTs Using Profile Data. CC 1992: 72-87
5 A. Dain Samples: GC-cooperative C++. IWMM 1992: 315-329
4 A. Dain Samples: Mache: No-Loss Trace Compaction. SIGMETRICS 1989: 89-97
3 William R. Bush, A. Dain Samples, David Ungar, Paul N. Hilfinger: Compiling Smalltalk-80 to a RISC. ASPLOS 1987: 112-116
2 A. Dain Samples, David Ungar, Paul N. Hilfinger: SOAR: Smalltalk Without Bytecodes. OOPSLA 1986: 107-118
1 David Ungar, Ricki Blau, Peter Foley, A. Dain Samples, David A. Patterson: Architecture of SOAR: Smalltalk on a RISC. ISCA 1984: 188-197

Coauthor Index

1Ricki Blau [1]
2William R. Bush [3]
3Peter Foley [1]
4Paul N. Hilfinger [2] [3]
5David A. Patterson [1]
6David Ungar [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)